prof. chao lu has published 1 book, 14 international journal papers, 30 conference papers and 40 chinese journal papers. about 11 patents have been authorized, and other 15 patents are in applications.
chao lu, junbo zhang, yingduo han. power system wide-area dynamic identification and control, science press, jan. 2015.
(2)selected journal papers
yi zhao, zhichang yuan, chao lu*, guoli zhang, xiu li, ying chen. improved model-free adaptive wide-area coordination damping controller for multiple-input–multiple-output power systems. iet generation, transmission and distribution, oct. 2016, 10(13):3264-3275.
yinfeng wang, chao lu*, lipeng zhu, guoli zhang, xiu li, ying chen. comprehensive modeling and parameter identification of wind farms based on wide-area measurement systems. journal of modern power system and clean energy,2016,4(3):383-393.
jingyi zhang, chao lu, jie song. dynamic performance-based automatic generation control dispatch with frequency sensitivity identification. international journal of production research, 2016, 54(21):6532-6547.
yipeng dong, xiaorong xie, chao lu, baorong zhou, qirong jiang. local-area stvs control system. iet generation, transmission and distribution, dec. 2016, 10(15):3901-3909.
xinran zhang, chao lu, shichao liu, xiaoyu wang. a review on wide area damping control in interconnected power systems. renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 2016, 57:45-58. (if: 5.901)
xinran zhang, chao lu, xiaorong xie, joe dong. stability analysis and controller design of a wide-area time-delay system based on the expectation model method. ieee transactions on smart grid, jan 2016, 7(1):520-529.
lipeng zhu, chao lu, yuanzhang sun, time series shapelet classification based online short-term voltage stability assessment, ieee transactions on power systems. mar 2016, 31(2):1430-1439.
chao lu, bonian shi, xiaochen wu, hongbin sun. recent developments of pmu/wams in china, ieee power & energy magazine, sep-oct 2015, 13(5):60-71.
chao lu, yi zhao, men kun, liang tu. a novel wide area power system stabilizer based on model free adaptive control, iet control theory and applications, aug. 2015, 9(13):1996-2007.
junbo zhang, chao lu, cy chung, yingduo han. online re-dispatching of power systems based on modal sensitivity identification. iet generation, transmission and distribution, sep. 2015, 9(12):1352-1360.
chao lu, xinran zhang, xiaoyu wang, yingduo han. mathematical expectation modeling of wide-area controlled power systems with stochastic time delay, ieee transactions on smart grid, may 2015, 6(3):1511-1519.
junbo zhang, cy chung, chao lu, kun men, liang tu. a novel adaptive wide area pss based on output-only modal analysis. ieee transactions on power systems, sep. 2015, 30(5):2633-2642.
chao lu, hanchen xu, xin pan, jie song. optimal sizing and control of battery energy storage system for peak load shaving. energies. 2014, 7(12):8396-8410.
junbo zhang, chao lu, yingduo han. mimo identification of power system with low level probing tests: applicability comparison of subspace methods. ieee transactions on power systems, 2013, 28(3):2907-2917.
jingbo he, chao lu, xiaochen wu, et al. design and experiment of wide area hvdc supplementary damping controller considering time delay in csg. iet generation, transmission and distribution, 2009, 3(1):17-25.
chao lu, jennie si, xiaorong xie. direct heuristic dynamic programming for damping oscillation in a large power system. ieee transactions on system, man, and cybernetics, part b, aug. 2008, 38(4):1008-1013.
xiaorong xie, chao lu. optimization and coordination of wide-area damping controls for enhancing the transfer capability of interconnected power systems. electric power system research, jun. 2008, 78:1099-1108.