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    wechat official account for the sichuan energy internet research institute, tsinghua university







current location: home > admissions > undergraduates

tsinghua university has implemented comprehensive category-based admissions since 2017. the department of electrical engineering and applied electronics (eea) falls under the category of energy and electrical engineering and is also the administrative department for this category. the energy and electrical engineering category at tsinghua university includes two primary disciplines: electrical engineering and energy & power engineering, and one secondary discipline: architectural environment and energy application engineering.

eea recruits students from across the country, enrolling approximately 110 undergraduate students across 4 classes each year. all undergraduate students are trained under the primary discipline of "electrical engineering and automation." the undergraduate program lasts for 4 years and aims to cultivate students with a solid foundation, broad perspective, interdisciplinary skills, and high-level talents in teaching, research, and engineering technology.

after graduation, the majority of students from eea choose to further their studies at domestic or foreign universities. about two-thirds of them can be recommended for admission without examination to pursue master’s or doctoral degrees in this department or other departments within the university. a small portion of students choose direct employment, with an overall employment rate of over 95%.
