  • 清华大学电机系















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教授,博士生导师,电力系统保护团队负责人,电力系统研究所所长,iet fellow, ieee fellow, aaia fellow, 中国电机工程学会会士,绿色能源与电力安全北京市国际科技合作中心主任。


cigre b5委员,cigre中国国家技术委员会委员,cigre-b5-55行波保护工作组主席,cired中国国家技术委员会委员,ieee pes电力系统保护控制技术委员会(中国)主席,iec tc95 ahg4工作组主席,中国电工技术学会理事,中国电工技术学会电力系统保护与控制专委会副主任委员,中国水力发电工程学会继电保护专委会副主任委员,国家电网公司继电保护专家组成员,全国短路电流计算标准化委员会委员,全国量度继电器和保护设备标准化委员会委员,陕西省百人计划专家,陕西理工大学特聘教授,英国strathclyde大学visiting professor,台北科技大学兼职教授,《pca world》顾问,《csee journal of power and energy systems》编委,《journal of modern power systems and clean energy》编委,《protection and control of modern power systems》副主编,《电力自动化设备》编委,《电力系统自动化》编委,《电力科学与技术》编委,《电力工程技术》编委,《电网技术》编委,《陕西理工大学学报》编委。



围绕上述研究,发表论文450篇,撰写学术著作5部、参加撰写(译)学术著作7部,获授权发明专利120项;2020年获全国创新争先奖,2017年获中国电力科学技术杰出贡献奖,2016年获cigre杰出会员奖,获国家技术发明奖二等奖2项,全国优秀教材奖二等奖1项,其它省部级一等奖7项,获日内瓦国际发明展金奖3项,获韩国国际发明博览会kepco leading-edge prize奖2项,2016年获mpce优秀编委,2018年获jpes期刊突出贡献奖,2017-2019爱思唯尔中国高被引学者。主办/合办ieee apap大型国际会议2次、主办/合办主持中韩继电保护论坛16次,担任电子技术国际会议(icet)顾问主席4次,担任第7、10、14、15届国际继电保护会议(dpsp)组委会委员,担任第6届国际电力技术会议(powercon)顾问委员会委员。


1983.08~1988.07 陕西工学院电气与电子工程系助教;

1991.08~1994.01 陕西工学院电气与电子工程系讲师、教研室副主任;

1997.01~1999.01 天津大学电工博士后流动站博士后,98年10月晋升副教授;

1999.02~2004.11 清华大学电机系副教授;

2004.12至今 清华大学电机系教授;

2005.09至今 清华大学电机系博士生导师;

2021.09至今 清华大学电机系电力系统研究所所长;

2003.09至今 清华大学alstom电网研究中心主任;

2014.03至今 北京市绿色能源与电力安全国际科技合作基地主任。














2016年陕西省人民政府技术发明奖一等奖,750 kv输电线路行波保护技术及应用;






2015年第43届日内瓦国际发明展金奖 ,输电线路行波方向保护;

2015年韩国国际发明博览会kepco leading-edge prize,暂态行波保护测试仪;

2015年韩国国际发明博览会kepco leading-edge prize,配电网单相接地行波选线装置;















2005-2007,科技部中丹政府间科技合作项目,“基于小波变换的分布式发电系统暂态保护研究”(批准号:am14: 23nnp37)

2020-2022,国家自然科学基金项目中英国际合作项目,“极端条件下未来城市能源系统弹性技术研究”( 项目编号:52061635105)

2001-2003,国家自然科学基金对外交流与合作项目两个基地,“基于高频暂态的无通道保护研究”( 资助号:50110686)

2003-2018,清华大学-英国alstom大型国际合作项目,“清华大学alstom电网研究中心”( 项目编号:20033000054)

2016-2017,清华大学-德国西门子国际合作项目,“输电线路故障定位方法的研究和基于行波的控制技术”( 项目编号:20163000188)

2021-2023,国家电网公司总部科技项目,“防范交直流混联电网连锁故障的系统保护基础理论与技术研究”( 项目编号:sgfjdk00dwjs2100433)




1) 董新洲,故障行波理论及其应用,科学出版社,2022.5;

2) xinzhou dong, fault travel wave and its application, spinger, 2022.6;

3) 董新洲,交直流混联大电网系统保护,中国电力出版社,2022.10;

4) xinzhou dong, ac/dc hybrid large scale power grid system protection, springer, 2022.10;

5) 董新洲、王宾、施慎行;现代电力系统保护,清华大学出版社,2023.3;

6) jian liu, xinzhou dong, xingying chen, xiangqian tong, xiaoqing zhang, shiming xu, fault location and service restoration for electrical distribution system;singapore: wiley/china electric power press, 2016, singapore/beijing;

7) 刘健、董新洲等,配电网自愈控制,中国电力出版社,2011.3;

8) 贺家李、李永丽、董新洲等. 电力系统继电保护原理, 中国电力出版社, 2011.3;

9) 王宾、董新洲译,高效可再生分布式发电系统, 中国机械工业出版社. 2010.1;

10) 王伟胜、董新洲译,电力系统计算,中国电力出版社,2009.12;

11) 宋永华、董新洲译,安德森著,电力系统保护,中国电力出版社,2009.12;

12) 王宾、董新洲译,斯特凡·克劳特(德)著,太阳能发电-光伏能源系统,中国机械工业出版社,2008.5,北京。


1) dong, xinzhou; yang, zhonghao; bo, zhiqian, fast extraction of power frequency component using wavelet transform, dianli xitong zidonghua/automation of electric power systems, 26(24)(2002), 75-78;

2) su, qianli; dong, xinzhou, fault line selection based on current traveling waves and wavelet transform for non-solid-grounded system, dianli xitong zidonghua/automation of electric power systems, 26(2002), 79-82, 103;

3) youyi li; xinzhou dong; yuanzhang sun, identification of transient and permanent faults, tsinghua science and technology, 8(6)(2003), 672-675;

4) z. q. bo; x. z. dong; b. r. j. caunce, accelerated protection of distribution systems with tapped off loads, iee proceedings-generation, transmission and distribution, 151(4)(2004), 461-468;

5) xinzhou dong; yaozhong ge; jiali he, surge impedance relay, ieee transactions on power delivery, 20(2)(2005), 1247-1256;

6) dong, xinzhou and yuan, dingding and lu, qiang and bo, zhiqian, novel directional comparison protection for distribution lines, science in china series e: technological sciences, 23(5)(2008), 353-361;

7) bin wang; xinzhou dong; zhiqian bo; anthony perks, rtds environment development of ultra-high-voltage power system and relay protection test, ieee transactions on power delivery, 23(2)(2008), 618-623;

8) zhiqian bo; shenxing shi; xinzhou dong, integrated protection scheme for power line, transactions of tianjin university, 14(2)(2008), 79-84;

9) dong, xinzhou; shi, shenxing; cui, tao; lu, qiang, optimizing solution of fault location using single terminal quantities, science in china series e: technological sciences, 51(6)(2008), 761-772;

10) xinzhou dong; shenxing shi, identifying single-phase-to-ground fault feeder in neutral noneffectively grounded distribution system using wavelet transform, ieee transactions on power delivery, 23(4)(2008), 1829-1837;

11) xinzhou dong; wei kong; tao cui, fault classification and faulted-phase selection based on the initial current traveling wave, ieee transactions on power delivery, 24(2)(2009), 552-559;

12) bin wang; xinzhou dong; zhiqian bo; a. klimek, residual compensation for ground impedance relay with applications in uhv transmission lines, ieee transactions on power delivery, 24(3)(2009), 1072-1078;

13) bin wang; xinzhou dong; zhiqian bo; andrew klimek, negative-sequence pilot protection with applications in open-phase transmission lines, ieee transactions on power delivery, 25(3)(2010), 1306-1313;

14) tao cui; xinzhou dong; zhiqian bo; andrzej juszczyk, hilbert-transform-based transient/intermittent earth fault detection in noneffectively grounded distribution systems, ieee transactions on power delivery, 26(1)(2011), 143-151;

15) dong x z; shi s x; wang b; bak d j; cao r b; ren l; lan l; he s e, accident of large-scale wind turbines disconnecting from power grid and its protection, automation of electric power systems, 36(8)(2012), 105-109;

16) shiyong wang, xinzhou dong, shenxing shi, liu cui, study on current travelling wave transmission characteristics in secondary control cable connected with ct, physics procedia, 33(2012), 663-671;

17) bąk, d; dong, x; rebizant, w., new method of ct saturation detection present problems of power system control, 2(2012), 65-72;

18) bin wang; xinzhou dong; lan lan; fei xu, novel location algorithm for single-line-to-ground faults in transmission line with distributed parameters, iet generation, transmission & distribution, 7(6)(2013), 560-566;

19) xinzhou dong; jun wang; shenxing shi; bin wang; bak dominik; miles redefern, traveling wave based single-phase-to-ground protection method for power distribution system, csee journal of power and energy systems, 1(2)(2015), 75-82;

20) shenxing shi; zhonghong hu; zhao ma; xinzhou dong, travelling waves-based identification of sub-health condition of feeders in power distribution system , iet generation, transmission & distribution, 12(5)(2018), 1067-1073;

21) xu, fei; dong, xinzhou; wang, bin; shi, shenxing, self-adapted single-ended travelling wave fault location algorithm considering transfer characteristics of the secondary circuit, iet generation, transmission & distribution, 9(14)(2015), 1913-1921;

22) yuwei shang; shenxing shi; xinzhou dong, islanding detection based on asymmetric tripping of feeder circuit breaker in ungrounded power distribution system, journal of modern power systems and clean energy, 3(4)(2015), 526-532;

23) jiang, b., dong, x., shi, s., application of approximate entropy to cross-country fault detection in distribution networks, power system protection and control, 43 (17)(2015), 15-21;

24) dong, x., luo, s., shi, s., wang, b., wang, s., cui, l., wang, j., ren, l., jiang, b., xu, f., wu, j., liu, f., su, x., zhang, y., guo, x., lan, j., qian, g., pctdr-based directional comparison pilot protection technology and its application in 750 kv transmission lines, electric power automation equipment, 35 (9) (2015), 1-5;

25) xinzhou dong; shuxin luo; shenxing shi; bin wang; shiyong wang; li ren; fei xu, implementation and application of practical traveling-wave-based directional protection in uhv transmission lines, ieee transactions on power delivery, 31(1)(2016), 294-302;

26) shuxin luo ; xinzhou dong ; shenxing shi ; bin wang, a directional protection scheme for hvdc transmission lines based on reactive energy, ieee transactions on power delivery (2016 ieee power and energy society general meeting (pesgm), boston, ma, usa), 31(2)(2016), 559-567;

27) xinzhou dong; delin wang; manyong zhao; bin wang; shenxing shi; alexander apostolov, smart power substation development in china, csee journal of power and energy systems, 2(4)(2016), 1-5;

28) lei, a., dong, x., shi, s., a method to identify the second reverse travelling wave induced by single-phase-to-ground fault in transmission line, zhongguo dianji gongcheng xuebao/proceedings of the chinese society of electrical engineering, 36 (8)(2016), 2151-2158;

29) liu, j., dong, x., chen, x., tong, x., zhang, x., xu, s., fault location and service restoration for electrical distribution systems, fault location and service restoration for electrical distribution systems, 2016, 1-244;

30) dong, x., shi, s., single phase to ground fault processing, fault location and service restoration for electrical distribution systems, 2016, 163-203;

31) bin, wang; jiang, ni; jianzhao, geng; yuanyuan, lu; xinzhou, dong, arc flash fault detection in wind farm collection feeders based on current waveform analysis, journal of modern power systems and clean energy, 5(2)(2017), 211-219;

32) lv, chen; sheng, wanxing; liu, keyan; dong, xinzhou, research on multi-scale modeling of grid-connected distributed photovoltaic power generation, energy and power engineering, 9(4)(2017), 127-140;

33) lanxi tang; xinzhou dong; shuxin luo; shenxing shi; bin wang, a new differential protection of transmission line based on equivalent travelling wave, ieee transactions on power delivery, 32(3)(2017), 1359-1369;

34) sohrab mirsaeidi; xinzhou dong; shenxing shi; dimitrios tzelepis, challenges, advances and future directions in protection of hybrid ac/dc microgrids, iet renewable power generation, 11(12)(2017), 1495-1502;

35) mirsaeidi, sohrab and dong, xinzhou and shi, shenxing and wang, bin, ac and dc microgrids: a review on protection issues and approaches, journal of electrical engineering & technology, 12(6)(2017), 2089-2098;

36) tzelepis, d; dysko, a; fusiek, g; niewczas, p; mirsaeidi, s; booth, c; dong, x, advanced fault location in mtdc networks utilising optically-multiplexed current measurements and machine learning approach, international journal of electrical power and energy systems, 97(2018), 319-333;

37) lei, aoyu; dong, xinzhou; shi, shenxing; wang, bin; terzija, vladimir, equivalent traveling waves based current differential protection of ehv/uhv transmission lines, international journal of electrical power and energy systems, 97(2018), 282-289;

38) xuankun song; teng feng; liu han; travis m.smith; xinzhou dong; wenxuan liu; rui zhang, analysis on the fault characteristics of three-phase short-circuit for half-wavelength ac transmission lines, global energy interconnection, 1(2)(2018), 115-121;

39) bin wang; jianzhao geng; xinzhou dong, high-impedance fault detection based on nonlinear voltage-current characteristic profile identification, ieee transactions on smart grid, 9(4)(2017), 3783-3791;

40) hao, wang; mirsaeidi, sohrab; kang, xiaoning; dong, xinzhou; tzelepis, dimitrios, a novel traveling-wave-based protection scheme for lcc-hvdc systems using teager energy operator, international journal of electrical power and energy systems, 99(2018), 474-480;

41) tang, lanxi; dong, xinzhou, a travelling wave differential protection scheme for half-wavelength transmission line, international journal of electrical power and energy systems, 99(2018), 376-384;

42) mirsaeidi, sohrab; dong, xinzhou; said, dalila mat, towards hybrid ac/dc microgrids: critical analysis and classification of protection strategies, renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 90(2018), 97-103;

43) wu, yahui; dong, xinzhou; mirsaeidi, sohrab, design and simulation of a new model for air-gapped current transformers, ieej transactions on electrical and electronic engineering, 13(8)(2018), 1127-1135;

44) dimitrios tzelepis; adam dyśko; steven m. blair; anastasios oulis rousis; sohrab mirsaeidi; campbell booth; xinzhou dong, centralised busbar differential and wavelet-based line protection system for multi-terminal direct current grids, with practical iec-61869-compliant measurements, iet generation, transmission & distribution, 12(14)(2018), 3578-3586;

45) dimitrios tzelepis; grzegorz fusiek; adam dyśko; pawel niewczas; campbell booth; xinzhou dong, novel fault location in mtdc grids with non-homogeneous transmission lines utilizing distributed current sensing technology, ieee transactions on smart grid, 9(4)(2018), 5432-5443;

46) tang, lanxi; dong, xinzhou; shi, shenxing; wang, bin, analysis of the characteristics of fault-induced travelling waves in mmc-hvdc grid, the journal of engineering, 2018(15)(2018), 1349-1353;

47) tzelepis, dimitrios; dyśko, adam; booth, campbell; mirsaeidi, sohrab; dong, xinzhou, design of dc-line terminating inductors for enhancement of protective functions in mtdc grids, the journal of engineering (dpsp 2018), 2018(15)(2018), 1072-1077;

48) wang, bin; yang, lin; dong, xinzhou, fault location method for high-voltage direct current transmission line using incident current travelling waves, the journal of engineering, 2018(15)(2018), 1165 – 1168;

49) lei, aoyu; dong, xinzhou; shi, shenxing; wang, bin, impedance-based pilot protection for ultra-high-voltage/extra-high-voltage transmission lines, the journal of engineering, 2018(15)(2018), 904-907;

50) shi, shenxing; lei, aoyu; he, xin; mirsaeidi, sohrab; dong, xinzhou, travelling waves-based fault location scheme for feeders in power distribution network, the journal of engineering, 2018(15)(2018), 1326-1329;

51) aoyu lei; xinzhou dong; vladimir terzija, an ultra-high-speed directional relay based on correlation of incremental quantities, ieee transactions on power delivery, 33(6)(2018), 2726-2735;

52) dong, x., lei, a., tang, l.comparative study of traveling wave differential protection and current differential protection for power lines, power system protection and control, 46 (1)(2018), 1-8;

53) tang, l., dong, x., wang, b., shi, s., study on the current differential protection for half-wave-length ac transmission lines, ieee power and energy society general meeting, 2018-january, 1-5;

54) wang, b., wei, x., zhang, g., wen, b., feng, y., dong, x., fault arc modeling and analysis in circuit breaker in hvdc converter station filter branch, proceedings of the chinese society of electrical engineering, 38 (5)(2018), 1496-1503;

55) shi, s., hu, z., ma, z., dong, x., travelling waves-based identification of subhealth condition of feeders in power distribution system, iet generation, transmission and distribution, 12 (5)(2018), 1067-1073;

56) wang, b., wei, x., zhang, g., feng, y., wen, b., dong, x., high-frequency arc fault detection in circuit breaker in substation ac filter branch, proceedings of the chinese society of electrical engineering, 38 (6)(2018), 1837-1845;

57) song, x., feng, t., han, l., smith, t.m., dong, x., liu, w., zhang, r., analysis on the fault characteristics of three-phase short-circuit for half-wavelength ac transmission lines, global energy interconnection, 1 (2)(2018), 115-121;

58) tzelepis, d., dyśko, a., fusiek, g., niewczas, p., mirsaeidi, s., booth, c., dong, x., advanced fault location in mtdc networks utilising optically-multiplexed current measurements and machine learning approach, international journal of electrical power and energy systems, 97(2018), 319-333;

59) lei, a., dong, x., shi, s., wang, b., terzija, v., equivalent traveling waves based current differential protection of ehv/uhv transmission lines, international journal of electrical power and energy systems, 97(2018), 282-289;

60) yang, l., wang, b., dong, x., overview of fault location methods in high voltage direct current transmission lines, automation of electric power systems, 42 (8)(2018),185-191;

61) feng, t., dong, x., method for dealing with sag in electromagnetic transient simulation of overhead line, proceedings of the chinese society of electrical engineering, 38 (9)(2018), 2634-2640;

62) dong, x., tang, l., shi, s., qiu, y., kong, m., pang, h., configuration scheme of transmission line protection for flexible hvdc grid, power system technology, 42 (6)(2018), 1752-1759;

63) guan, e., dong, x., study on the she modulation of a 5 mw offshore wind three-level converter prototype, proceedings of the 13th ieee conference on industrial electronics and applications, iciea 2018, 571-576;

64) wang, b., geng, j., dong, x., high-impedance fault detection based on nonlinear voltage-current characteristic profile identification, ieee transactions on smart grid, 9 (4)(2018),3783-3791;

65) mirsaeidi, s., dong, x., said, d.m., towards hybrid ac/dc microgrids: critical analysis and classification of protection strategies, renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 90, 2018, 97-103;

66) tang, l., dong, x., a travelling wave differential protection scheme for half-wavelength transmission line, international journal of electrical power and energy systems, 99,2018, 376-384;

67) hao, w., mirsaeidi, s., kang, x., dong, x., tzelepis, d., a novel traveling-wave-based protection scheme for lcc-hvdc systems using teager energy operator, international journal of electrical power and energy systems, 99,2018, 474-480;

68) wu, y., dong, x., mirsaeidi, s., design and simulation of a new model for air-gapped current transformers, ieej transactions on electrical and electronic engineering, 13 (8)(2018),1127-1135;

69) tzelepis, d., dysko, a., blair, s.m., rousis, a.o., mirsaeidi, s., booth, c., dong, x., centralised busbar differential and waveletbased line protection system for multiterminal direct current grids, with practical iec-61869-compliant measurements, iet generation, transmission and distribution, 12 (14)(2018), 3578-3586;

70) feng, t., dong, x., performance test method of two-terminal traveling wave fault locator,electric power automation equipment, 38 (9)(2018),114-120 and 128;

71) tang, l., dong, x., shi, s., kong, m., qiu, y., principle and implementation of ultra-high-speed travelling wave based protection for transmission line of flexible hvdc grid, power system technology, 42 (10)(2018), 3176-3186;

72) dong, x., lei, a., tang, l., wang, b., shi, s., analysis of traveling wave characteristics and challenges and prospects of traveling wave differential protection technology, automation of electric power systems, 42(19)(2018),184-191;

73) sohrab mirsaeidi; xinzhou dong; dimitrios tzelepis; dalila mat said; adam dysko; campbell booth, a predictive control strategy for mitigation of commutation failure in lcc-based hvdc systems, ieee transactions on power electronics, 34(1)(2019), 160-172;

74) tang, lanxi; dong, xinzhou; shi, shenxing; qiu, yufeng, a high-speed protection scheme for the dc transmission line of a mmc-hvdc grid, electric power systems research, 168 (2019), 81-91;

75) qi jia; xinzhou dong; sohrab mirsaeidi, a traveling-wave-based line protection strategy against single-line-to-ground faults in active distribution networks, international journal of electrical power and energy systems, 107 (2019), 403-411;

76) shenxing shi; beier zhu; aoyu lei; xinzhou dong, fault location for radial distribution network via topology and reclosure-generating traveling waves, ieee transactions on smart grid, 10(6)(2019), 6404-6413;

77) sohrab mirsaeidi; xinzhou dong; dalila mat said, a fault current limiting approach for commutation failure prevention in lcc-hvdc transmission systems, ieee transactions on power delivery, 34(5)(2019), 2018-2027;

78) sohrab mirsaeidi; xinzhou dong, an integrated control and protection scheme to inhibit blackouts caused by cascading fault in large-scale hybrid ac/dc power grids, ieee transactions on power electronics, 34(8)(2019), 7278-7291;

79) chen lv; wanxing sheng,; ke-yan liu; xinzhou dong; pan deng, multi-status modelling and event simulation in smart distribution network based on finite state machine, iet generation transmission & distribution, 13(13)(2019), 2846-2855;

80) shenxing shi; beier zhu; sohrab mirsaeidi; xinzhou dong, fault classification for transmission lines based on group sparse representation, ieee transactions on smart grid, 10(14)(2019), 4673-4682;

81) beier zhu; haozong wang; shenxing shi; xinzhou dong, fault location in ac transmission lines with back-to-back mmc-hvdc using convnets, journal of engineering-joe, (16)(2019), 2430-2431;

82) aoyu lei; xinzhou dong, decomposition of post-fault transients on power lines and analytical solution of its stationary component, journal of electrical engineering & technology , 14(1)(2019), 7-46;

83) tang, l., dong, x. an approximate method for the calculation of transmission line fault current in mmc-hvdc grid, proceedings of the chinese society of electrical engineering. 39 (2)(2019), 490-498;

84) lei, a., dong, x., decomposition of post-fault transients on power lines and analytical solution of its stationary component, journal of electrical engineering and technology, 14 (1)(2019),37-46;

85) tang, l., dong, x., shi, s., qiu, y., a high-speed protection scheme for the dc transmission line of a mmc-hvdc grid, electric power systems research, 168,2019, 81-91;

86) jia, q., dong, x., shi, s., practical traveling waves based single-phase-to-ground protection for radial connected distribution lines, proceedings of the chinese society of electrical engineering, 39 (6)(2019),1543-1550;

87) jia, q., dong, x., mirsaeidi, s., a traveling-wave-based line protection strategy against single-line-to-ground faults in active distribution networks, international journal of electrical power and energy systems, 107, 2019, 403-411;

88) dong, x., tang, y., bu, g., shen, c., song, g., wang, z., gan, d., hou, j., wang, b., zhao, b., shi, s., confronting problem and challenge of large scale ac-dc hybrid power grid operation, proceedings of the chinese society of electrical engineering, 39 (11)(2019),3107-3118;

89) zhang, c., song, g., dong, x., yang, l., principle of high speed protection for dc transmission line using wave front generalized logistic function fitting, proceedings of the chinese society of electrical engineering, 39 (11)(2019), 3168-3175;

90) guan, e., dong, x., wang, h., study of combined fault current limiting equipment and operation strategy for dc grid, proceedings of the chinese society of electrical engineering, 39 (11)(2019), 3222-3230;

91) cai, j., dong, x., overview on research of fault clearing and recovery strategy for hvdc transmission lines, automation of electric power systems, 43 (11)(2019),181-190;

92) lei, a., dong, x., wide-frequency and short-time window based traveling wave differential protection method for ehv/uhv transmission lines, proceedings of the chinese society of electrical engineering, 39 (23)(2019), 6826-6835;

93) lei, aoyu; dong, xinzhou., decomposition of post-fault transients on power lines and analytical solution of its stationary component, journal of electrical engineering & technology, 14(1)(2019),37-46;

94) zhu, beier; wang, haozong; shi, shenxing; dong, xinzhou., fault location in ac transmission lines with back-to-back mmc-hvdc using convnets, journal of engineering-joe, 16(2019);

95) jia, qi; dong, xinzhou; mirsaeidi, sohrab., a traveling-wave-based line protection strategy against single-line-to-ground faults in active distribution networks, international journal of electrical power & energy systems, 107(2019),403-411;

96) shi, shenxing; zhu, beier; mirsaeidi, sohrab; dong, xinzhou., fault classification for transmission lines based on group sparse representation, ieee transactions on smart grid, 10(4)(2019),4673-4682;

97) mirsaeidi, sohrab; dong, xinzhou, an integrated control and protection scheme to inhibit blackouts caused by cascading fault in large-scale hybrid ac/dc power grids , ieee transactions on power electronics, 34(8)(2019),7278-7291;

98) mirsaeidi, sohrab; dong, xinzhou; said, dalila mat, a fault current limiting approach for commutation failure prevention in lcc-hvdc transmission systems, ieee transactions on power delivery, 34(5)(2019),2018-2027;

99) chenhao zhang., guobing song., xinzhou dong, a novel traveling wave protection method for dc transmission lines using current fitting, ieee transactions on power delivery (early access), 20191217, 1-11;

100) chenhao zhang., guobing song., ting wang., xinzhou dong, an improved non-unit traveling wave protection method with adaptive threshold value and its application in hvdc grids, ieee transactions on power delivery (early access), 20191120, 1-12;

101) lv, c., sheng, w., liu, k.-y., dong, x., deng, p., multi-status modelling and event simulation in smart distribution network based on finite state machine, iet generation, transmission and distribution, 13 (13)(2019), 2846-2855;

102) zhang, g., li, z., wang, b., liu, m., dong, x., early warning method of hvdc line continuous commutation failure based on adaboost algorithm,power system protection and control, 47 (19)(2019), 69-77;

103) wang, b., cui, x., dong, x., overview of arc high impedance grounding fault detection technologies in distribution system, proceedings of the chinese society of electrical engineering, 40 (1)(2020),96-107;

104) zhang, g., jing, l., wang, b., liu, m., dong, x., study on hvdc consecutive commutation failures mitigation method caused by harmonics, power system protection and control, 48 (5)(2020), 33-41;

105) zhang, c., song, g., dong, x., a non-unit adaptive traveling wave protection method for high impedance faults, proceedings of the chinese society of electrical engineering, 40 (11)(2020),3548-3556;

106) zhang, c., song, g., yang, l., dong, x., non-unit travelling wave protection method for dc transmission line using waveform correlation calculation, iet generation, transmission and distribution, 14 (12)(2020),2263-2270;

107) song, g., wang, t., zhang, b., dong, x., kang, x., analysis and prospect of detective fault identification technologies using power electronic device, automation of electric power systems, 44 (20)(2020),173-183;

108) tzelepis, dimitrios; psaras, vasileios; tsotsopoulou, eleni; mirsaeidi, sohrab; dysko, adam; hong, qiteng; dong, xinzhou; blair, steven m.; nikolaidis, vassilis c.; papaspiliotopoulos, vassilis; fusiek, grzegorz; burt, graeme m.; niewczas, pawel; d. booth, campbell voltage and current measuring technologies for high voltage direct current supergrids: a technology review identifying the options for protection, fault location and automation applications, ieee access, (8)(2020),203398-203498;

109) mirsaeidi, sohrab; he, jinghan; dong, xinzhou; said, dalila mat, a fault current limiting approach for commutation failure prevention in lcc-hvdc transmission systems , ieee transactions on power delivery, 8674590, 34 (5) (2019), 2018-2027;

110) zhang, chenhao; song, guobing; yang, liming; dong, xinzhou, non-unit travelling wave protection method for dc transmission line using waveform correlation calculation, iet generation transmission & distribution, 14(12)(2020),2263-2270;

111) zhang, chenhao; song, guobing; wang, ting; dong, xinzhou, an improved non-unit traveling wave protection method with adaptive threshold value and its application in hvdc grids, ieee transactions on power delivery, 35(4)(2020),1800-1811;

112) lin, sheng; mu, dalin; liu, lei; lei, yuqing; dong, xinzhou, a novel fault diagnosis method for dc filter in hvdc systems based on parameter identification, ieee transactions on instrumentation and measurement, 69(9)(2020),5969-5971;

113) zhang, chenhao; song, guobing; yin, lishuai; xu, ruidong; li, yang; yang, liming; dong, xinzhou, application research on pilot protection method for multi-terminal hybrid line-commutated converter/modular multilever converter-based high voltage dc system, iet generation transmission & distribution, 15(1)(2021),71-85;

114) zhang, chenhao; song, guobing; dong, xinzhou, a novel traveling wave protection method for dc transmission lines using current fitting, ieee transactions on power delivery, 35(6)(2020),2980-2991;

115) mirsaeidi, sohrab; dong, xinzhou, an enhanced strategy to inhibit commutation failure in line-commutated converters, ieee transactions on industrial electronics, 67(1)(2020),340-349;

116) salehi, moslem; birjandi, ali akbar motie; dong, xinzhou, determining minimum number and placement of fault detectors in transmission network for fault location observability, international journal of electrical power & energy systems,124,2021,106386;

117) dong, xinzhou; jin, beihong; zhuo, wei; li, beibei; xue, taofeng, improving sequential recommendation with attribute-augmented graph neural networks, advances in knowledge discovery and data mining, pakdd 2021, pt ii 2021,12713,373-385;

118) zhuo, wei; liu, kunchi; xue, taofeng; jin, beihong; li, beibei; dong, xinzhou; chen, he; pan, wenhai; zhang, xuejian; zhou, shuo , a behavior-aware graph convolution network model for video recommendation, web and big data, apweb-waim 2021, pt ii 2021,12859,279-294;

119) zhang, chenhao; song, guobing; yin, lishuai; xu, ruidong; li, yang; yang, liming; dong, xinzhou, application research on pilot protection method for multi-terminal hybrid line-commutated converter/modular multilever converter-based high voltage dc system, iet generation transmission & distribution, 15(1)(2021),71-85;

120) mirsaeidi, sohrab; tzelepis, dimitrios; he, jinghan; dong, xinzhou; said, dalila mat; booth, campbell, a controllable thyristor-based commutation failure inhibitor for lcc-hvdc transmission systems, ieee transactions on power electronics, 36(4)(2021),3781-3792;

121) zhang, chenhao; song, guobing; dong, xinzhou, non-unit ultra-high-speed dc line protection method for hvdc grids using first peak time of voltage, ieee transactions on power delivery, 36(3)(2021),1683-1693;

122) zhang, chenhao; huang, jinhai; song, guobing; dong, xinzhou , non-unit ultra-high-speed line protection for multi-terminal hybrid lcc/mmc hvdc system and its application research, ieee transactions on power delivery, 36(5)(2021),2825-2838;

123) wang, hao; dai, yuanyuan; fu, luchuan; liu, feng; hu, jianli; dong, xinzhou; kang, xiaoning; li, wenzhong, power swing detecting method using principal components analysis, energy reports,7(2021),1009-1014;

124) wang, haozong; qi, zhenkang; fu, luchuan; liu, feng; hu, jianli; dong, xinzhou; li, wenzhong, fast and reliable differential protection based on traveling waves for hvdc transmission line, energy reports,7(2021),619-628;

125) zhang, c., song, g., yin, l., xu, r., li, y., yang, l., dong, x. application research on pilot protection method for multi-terminal hybrid line-commutated converter/modular multilever converter-based high voltage dc system, iet generation, transmission and distribution, 15 (1)(2021),71-85;

126) wang, b., li, z., dong, x., real-time rapid simulation method for transient response of lcc-hvdc based on dynamic phasor method, proceedings of the chinese society of electrical engineering, 41 (5)(2021), 1608-1617;

127) zhang, c., song, g., dong, x., principle of non-unit traveling wave protection for vsc-hvdc transmission line using fault current initial traveling wave fitting, proceedings of the chinese society of electrical engineering, 41 (8)(2021),2651-2660;

128) zhang, c., song, g., dong, x., huang, j., application research on fast line protection and adaptive restarting methods for multi-terminal hybrid lcc/mmc hvdc transmission lines, proceedings of the chinese society of electrical engineering, 41(11)(2021),3873-3884;

129) zhang, c., huang, j., song, g., dong, x., non-unit ultra-high-speed line protection for multi-terminal hybrid lcc/mmc hvdc system and its application research, ieee transactions on power delivery, 36 (5)(2021),2825-2838;

130) wang, h., qi, z., fu, l., liu, f., hu, j., dong, x., li, w., fast and reliable differential protection based on traveling waves for hvdc transmission line, energy reports, 7(2021), 619-628;

131) wang, h., dai, y., fu, l., liu, f., hu, j., dong, x., kang, x., li, w., power swing detecting method using principal components analysis, energy reports, 7(2021),1009-1014;

132) zhang, c., song, g., li, y., yan, j., dong, x., principle of non-unit traveling wave protection for vsc-hvdc grids based on index of fault voltage traveling wave propagation term, proceedings of the chinese society of electrical engineering, 41(24)(2021), 8424-8436;

133) dong, x., huang, y., wang, h., chen, b., wang, h., dong, q., analysis and simulation research of cascading faults in ac/dc hybrid grid, ieee open access journal of power and energy, 9,514-522;

134) zhang, c., song, g., meliopoulos, a.p.s., dong, x., setting-less nonunit protection method for dc line faults in vsc-mtdc systems, ieee transactions on industrial electronics, 69 (1)(2022),495-505;

135) wang, h., dong, x., traveling wave based differential protection for renewable energy penetrated power system, journal of electrical engineering and technology, 17 (3)(2022),1623-1630;

136) yan, q., dong, x., mu, j., ma, y., optimal configuration of energy storage in an active distribution network based on improved multi-objective particle swarm optimization, power system protection and control, 50 (10)(2022),11-19;

137) zhang, c., li, y., song, g., dong, x., fast and sensitive nonunit protection method for hvdc grids using levenberg-marquardt algorithm, ieee transactions on industrial electronics, 69 (9)(2022),9064-9074;

138) yan, q., liu, y., dong, x., ma, y., hybrid energy storage capacity optimization configuration for smoothing pv output based on ceemdan-ht, power system protection and control, 50 (21)(2022),43-53;

139) zhang, chenhao; song, guobing; meliopoulos, a. p. sakis; dong, xinzhou,, setting-less nonunit protection method for dc line faults in vsc-mtdc systems, ieee transactions on industrial electronics, 69(1)(2022),495-505;

140) dong, xinzhou; huang, yunshu; wang, haozong; chen, binshu; wang, hao; dong, qihuan, analysis and simulation research of cascading faults in ac/dc hybrid grid, ieee open access journal of power and energy, 9(2022),514-522;

141) wang, haozong; dong, xinzhou, traveling wave based differential protection for renewable energy penetrated power system, journal of electrical engineering & technology, 17(3)(2022),1623-1630;

142) dong, xinzhou; jin, beihong; zhuo, wei; li, beibei; xue, taofeng; song, jiageng, modeling user interactions by feature-augmented graph neural networks for recommendation, ccf transactions on pervasive computing and interaction, 4(3)(2022),207-218;

143) mirsaeidi, sohrab; rahman, mahmuda; he, jinghan; lu, geye; said, dalila mat; konstantinou, charalambos; li, meng; muttaqi, kashem m.; dong, xinzhou, comparison of different power flow techniques for power grid vulnerability assessment against symmetrical faults using bus impedance matrix, electric power systems research, 212(2022),108652.


1) feng, t., dong, x., xu, f., li, b., research on performance test of travelling wave fault locators, proceedings - international conference on modern electric power systems, meps 2015, paper number: 7477181;

2) wang, y., dong, x., shi, s., wang, j., geng, j., field tests of the traveling wave based protection for ungrounded distribution network, proceedings - international conference on modern electric power systems, meps 2015, paper number: 7477173;

3) lei, a., dong, x., shi, s., wang, b., research of wave-head characteristics of the fault generated travelling wave on transmission line in different frequency bands, proceedings - international conference on modern electric power systems, meps 2015, paper number: 7477155;

4) xu, f., dong, x., wang, b., shi, s., a novel single-ended fault location scheme and applications considering secondary circuit transfer characteristics, ieee power and energy society general meeting, 2015-september, paper number: 7285906;

5) lei, a., dong, x., shi, s., a novel method to identify the travelling wave reflected from the fault point or the remote-end bus, ieee power and energy society general meeting, 2015-september, paper number: 7285725;

6) jiang, b., dong, x., shi, s., wang, b., fault line identification of single line to ground fault for non-effectively grounded distribution networks with double-circuit lines, ieee power and energy society general meeting, 2015-september, paper number: 7286346;

7) dong, x., luo, s., shi, s., wang, b., wang, s., ren, l., travelling wave based directional comparison protection scheme and its application in 750 kv transmission lines, ieee power and energy society general meeting, 2015-september, paper number: 7286374;

8) shang, y., shi, s., dong, x., ma, z., perfromance analysis of islanding detection based on asymmetric tripping of feeder circuit breaker under fault scenarios, proceedings - 2015 international symposium on smart electric distribution systems and technologies, edst 2015, paper number: 7315202, 173-176;

9) hu, z., shi, s., dong, x., ma, z., the research on distribution network health index based on real-time information record, proceedings - 2015 international symposium on smart electric distribution systems and technologies, edst 2015, paper number: 7315214, 241-244;

10) luo, s., dong, x., shi, s., wang, b., a non-unit protection principle based on travelling wave for hvdc transmission lines, proceedings of the universities power engineering conference, 2015-november, paper number: 7339909;

11) lei, a., dong, x., shi, s., wang, b., a novel current travelling wave based single-ended fault location method for locating single-phase-to-ground fault of transmission line, proceedings of the universities power engineering conference, 2015-november, paper number: 7339950;

12) lei, a.-y., dong, x.-z., shi, s., wang, b., approximate analytical solution of stationary component of fault-induced traveling waves on transmission line, iet conference publications, 2016 (cp671);

13) tang, l., dong, x., shi, s., wang, b., travelling wave differential protection based on equivalent travelling wave, iet conference publications, 2016 (cp671);

14) feng, t., dong, x., shi, s., wang, b., analysis of the influence of the overhead line parameters on the fault traveling wave, iet conference publications, 2016 (cp671);

15) ni, j., wang, b., dong, x., high impedance fault detection on distribution systems with harmonic interference in wind farms, iet conference publications, 2016 (cp671);

16) chen, x., bo, z., dong, x., shi, s., analysis of ant colony algorithm for finding the optimal circuitous route in the communication network of power system, proceedings of the 5th ieee international conference on electric utility deregulation, restructuring and power technologies, drpt 2015, paper number: 7432665, 2532-2535;

17) dong, x., luo, s., shi, s., wang, b., wang, s., realization and performance analysis of travelling wave based directional protection prototype, proceedings of the 5th ieee international conference on electric utility deregulation, restructuring and power technologies, drpt 2015, paper number: 7432424, 1236-1239;

18) zhao, w., shi, s., wang, z., dong, x., ac transmission line fault current analysis in 220kv ac/dc hybrid system, proceedings of the 5th ieee international conference on electric utility deregulation, restructuring and power technologies, drpt 2015, paper number: 7432397, 1105-1109;

19) ding, f., bo, z., zhang, d., chen, x., dong, x., shi, s., zigbee wireless networking for the intelligent protection center research, proceedings of the 5th ieee international conference on electric utility deregulation, restructuring and power technologies, drpt 2015, paper number: 7432668, 2545-2548;

20) feng, t., dong, x., wang, b., shi, s., luo, s., lei, a., tang, l., analysis of fault characteristics of half-wavelength ac transmission lines, ieee power and energy society general meeting, 2016-november, paper number: 77416;

21) he, s., lu, l., li, j., dong, x., shi, s., bin, w., research on the system protection for enhancing the accommodation and transmission of large scale wind power, asia-pacific power and energy engineering conference, appeec, 2016-december, paper number: 7779907, 2363-2368;

22) mirsaeidi, s., dong, x., tzelepis, d., said, d.m., dysko, a., booth, c., a predictive control strategy for mitigation of commutation failure in lcc-based hvdc systems, ieee transactions on power electronics, 34 (1), paper number: 8327514, 160-172;

23) tzelepis, d., fusiek, g., dysko, a., niewczas, p., booth, c., dong, x., novel fault location in mtdc grids with non-homogeneous transmission lines utilizing distributed current sensing technology, ieee transactions on smart grid, paper number: 8070328, 9 (5)2018, 5432-5443;

24) lei, a., dong, x., terzija, v., an ultra-high-speed directional relay based on correlation of incremental quantities, ieee transactions on power delivery, paper number: 8318659, 33 (6)(2018), 2726-2735;

25) tang, l., dong, x., wang, b., shi, s., dong, q., coombs, t., protection configuration and scheme for the transmission line of vsc-hvdc grid, ieee power and energy society general meeting, 2018-august, paper number: 8586071,123-5;

26) jia, q., dong, x., shi, s., he, x., non-communication protection for single-phase-to-ground fault feeder in neutral non-effectively grounded distribution system, ieee power and energy society general meeting, 2018-august, paper number: 8586136;

27) zhang, g., jing, l., liu, m., wang, b., dong, x., a novel directional element for high voltage hybrid ac/dc power system, china international conference on electricity distribution, ciced, paper number: 8592312, 2018, 1137-1141;

28) zhang, g., jing, l., liu, m., wang, b., dong, x., an improved continuous commutation failure mitigation method in high voltage direct current transmission system, china international conference on electricity distribution, ciced, paper number: 8592449,2018, 1132-1136;

29) li, z., wang, b., wang, h., yu, b., xie, m., chen, s., dong, x. ccf early warning method of lcc-hvdc based on xg boost algorithm. iet conference publications, 2019 (cp764);

30) ren, x., wang, b., dong, x. high impedance fault analysis and location of single-phase-to-ground fault in feeder with multiple dgs connections(2019). iet conference publications, 2019 (cp764);

31) cui, x., wang, b., dong, x. high resistance grounding fault feeder detection in a resonant grounding system based on transient current correlation coefficient comparison, iet conference publications, 2019 (cp764);

32) jia, x., wang, b., yu, b., xie, m., dai, c., cheng, x., wang, d., dong, x. overview of adaptive reclosing technique and the challenge faced in ac/dc hybrid power grid, iet conference publications, 2019 (cp764);

33) shi, s., zhu, b., mirsaeidi, s., dong, x., fault classification for transmission lines based on group sparse representation, ieee transactions on smart grid, 10 (4), paper number: 8445640, 2019, 4673-4682;

34) mirsaeidi, s., dong, x.an integrated control and protection scheme to inhibit blackouts caused by cascading fault in large-scale hybrid ac/dc power grids, ieee transactions on power electronics, paper number: 8537972, 34 (8)(2019),7278-7291;

35) jing, l., wang, b., dong, x., wang, h., yu, b., xie, m., chen, s., review of consecutive commutation failure research for hvdc transmission system, electric power automation equipment, 39 (9)(2019), 116-123;

36) xie, x., shi, s., dong, x., zheng, s., huang, t., a method for fault pole selection of dc lines based on travelling wave, apap 2019 - 8th ieee international conference on advanced power system automation and protection, paper number: 9224639, 2019, 606-610;

37) cai, j., dong, x., an adaptive restart method for dc transmission line in lcc-hvdc system, apap 2019 - 8th ieee international conference on advanced power system automation and protection, paper number: 9224988, 2019, 725-729;

38) mirsaeidi, s., he, j., dong, x., mechanism and risk areas of cascading faults: a newly emerging fault type in large-scale hybrid ac/dc power grids, apap 2019 - 8th ieee international conference on advanced power system automation and protection, paper number: 9224814, 2019, 647-654;

39) xie, m., zhang, w., liu, l., jia, x., wang, b., dong, x., analysis of adaptive re-closure in ac-dc hybrid power system, apap 2019 - 8th ieee international conference on advanced power system automation and protection, paper number: 9224656, 2019, 1151-1155;

40) xin, z., dong, x., xie, x., multi-energy hybrid power generation system based on constant power control, apap 2019 - 8th ieee international conference on advanced power system automation and protection, paper number: 9225178, 2019,745-749;

41) chen, b., dong, x., analysis of application of superconducting fault current limiter to ac line of hvdc, apap 2019 - 8th ieee international conference on advanced power system automation and protection, paper number: 9225139, 2019,1181-1185;

42) yuan, j., wei, h., zou, g., kang, j., qian, q., shi, s., dong, x., research on traveling wave based fault line selection technology in distribution system of petrochemical industry, apap 2019 - 8th ieee international conference on advanced power system automation and protection, paper number: 9225158, 2019, 1833-1837;

43) wang, h., kang, x., dong, x., a novel method of power swing blocking in impedance relay, apap 2019 - 8th ieee international conference on advanced power system automation and protection, paper number: 9225159, 2019,427-431;

44) wang, h., dong, x., commutation failure mitigation method based on improved commutation area in hvdc system, apap 2019 - 8th ieee international conference on advanced power system automation and protection, paper number: 9225122,2019, 1241-1245;

45) liu, k., cui, x., wang, b., dong, x., study on high impedance grounding fault protection for personal safety guard in distribution grid, apap 2019 - 8th ieee international conference on advanced power system automation and protection, paper number: 9225113,2019, 437-441;

46) uddin khan, m.a., hong, q., dysko, a., booth, c., wang, b., dong, x., evaluation of fault characteristic in microgrids dominated by inverter-based distributed generators with different control strategies, apap 2019 - 8th ieee international conference on advanced power system automation and protection, paper number: 9224706, 2019, 846-849;

47) xu, w., shi, s., dong, x., zhang, g., traveling waves based fault line selection using sparse representation, apap 2019 - 8th ieee international conference on advanced power system automation and protection, paper number: 9225104, 2019,1346-1350;

48) cui, x., wang, b., dong, x., liu, k., experimental research on typical single-phase high resistance grounding fault detection methods in resonant grounding distribution system, apap 2019 - 8th ieee international conference on advanced power system automation and protection, paper number: 9224765, 2019, 432-436;

49) mirsaeidi, s., dong, x., said, d.m., a fault current limiting approach for commutation failure prevention in lcc-hvdc transmission systems, ieee transactions on power delivery, paper number: 8674590, 34 (5)(2019),2018-2027;

50) feng, t., han, l., ma, w., dong, x., xiao, z., yan, p., a novel method for calculating ground return impedance of overhead lines, 2019 3rd ieee conference on energy internet and energy system integration: ubiquitous energy network connecting everything, ei2 2019, paper number: 9062273, 2019,1003-1007;

51) shi, s., zhu, b., lei, a., dong, x., fault location for radial distribution network via topology and reclosure-generating traveling waves, ieee transactions on smart grid, paper number: 8664125,10(6)(2019),6404-6413;

52) qian, q., shi, s., zhang, g., xu, d., wu, y., xi, h., dong, x., direction travelling waves based single-phase-to ground fault line section identification, iet conference publications, 2020 (cp771), paper number: 20200099;

53) zhang, c., song, g., dong, x., high-speed protection method for dc transmission lines using fault current initial traveling wave, iet conference publications, 2020 (cp771), paper number: 20200131;

54) cai, j., dong, x., adaptive deblock for dc line fault in full bridge sub-module based mmc-hvdc system, iet conference publications, 2020 (cp771), paper number: 20200094;

55) zhao, y., shi, s., zhang, g., ma, h., dong, x., single-ended traveling wave based fault location for single-phase-to-ground in power distribution lines, iet conference publications, 2020 (cp771), paper number: 20200080;

56) wang, h., kang, x., dong, x., a strategy for avoiding overload of ac line after blocking dc line in ac/dc hybrid grid, iet conference publications, 2020 (cp771), paper number: 20200079;

57) wang, h., shi, s., dong, x., symmetrical fault analysis at ac transmission line with back-to-back mmc-hvdc considering controller characteristics, iet conference publications, 2020 (cp771), paper number: 20200084;

58) xie, x., shi, s., xu, y., zhan, x., xing, z., xing, z., dong, x., fast fault detection and location of dc distribution grid based on ultra-high-speed travelling wave, iet conference publications, 2020 (cp771), paper number: 20200083;

59) wang, b., dong, x., yu, b., xie, m., wang, h., circuit breaker arc fault detection based on fault recording data in hvdc converter station, iet conference publications, 2020 (cp771), paper number: 20200096;

60) tzelepis, d., psaras, v., tsotsopoulou, e., mirsaeidi, s., dyśko, a., hong, q., dong, x., blair, s.m., nikolaidis, v.c., papaspiliotopoulos, v., fusiek, g., burt, g.m., niewczas, p., booth, c.d., voltage and current measuring technologies for high voltage direct current supergrids: a technology review identifying the options for protection, fault location and automation applications, ieee access, 8, paper number: 9248058, 2020,203398-203428;

61) mirsaeidi, s., dong, x., an enhanced strategy to inhibit commutation failure in line-commutated converters, ieee transactions on industrial electronics, paper number: 8637160, 67 (1)(2020), 340-349;

62) dong, x., guan, e., jing, l., wang, h., mirsaeidi, s., simulation and analysis of cascading faults in hybrid ac/dc power grids, international journal of electrical power and energy systems, paper number: 105492,115(2020);

63) zhang, c., song, g., wang, t., dong, x., an improved non-unit traveling wave protection method with adaptive threshold value and its application in hvdc grids, ieee transactions on power delivery, paper number: 8907453, 35 (4)(2020),1800-1811;

64) dong, x., wang, h., xin, z., shi, s., wang, b., distribution system fault location method using reclosure-generating traveling waves, ieee power and energy society general meeting, 2020-august, paper number: 9281701;

65) lin, s., mu, d., liu, l., lei, y., dong, x., a novel fault diagnosis method for dc filter in hvdc systems based on parameter identification, ieee transactions on instrumentation and measurement, paper number: 9120068, 69 (9)(2020), 5969-5971;

66) zhang, c., song, g., dong, x., a novel traveling wave protection method for dc transmission lines using current fitting, ieee transactions on power delivery, paper number: 8935213, 35 (6)(2020), 2980-2991;

67) salehi, m., akbar motie birjandi, a., dong, x. determining minimum number and placement of fault detectors in transmission network for fault location observability, international journal of electrical power and energy systems, 124, paper number: 106386;

68) zheng, s., liu, y., hu, h., yang, h., dong, p., shi, s., dong, x., traveling wave fault location and protection tester for dc lines, 2021 3rd asia energy and electrical engineering symposium, aeees 2021, paper number: 9403206, 125-129;

69) xin, z., wang, h., dong, x., ren, x., inverse time zero sequence protection based on traveling wave startup information, 2021 3rd asia energy and electrical engineering symposium, aeees 2021, paper number: 9403052,772-775;

70) mirsaeidi, s., tzelepis, d., he, j., dong, x., said, d.m., booth, c. a, controllable thyristor-based commutation failure inhibitor for lcc-hvdc transmission systems, ieee transactions on power electronics, paper number: 9185007, 36(4)(2021),3781-3792;

71) hu, h., zhan, x., liu, z., shi, s., liu, h., dong, x., simplified method for fault transient analysis of flexible dc distribution lines, 2021 ieee 4th international conference on electronics technology, icet 2021, paper number: 9451122, 484-488;

72) hu, h., shi, s., zhan, x., liu, z., liu, h., dong, x., feeder fault section identification without dc circuit breaker based on injected traveling wave, 2021 ieee 4th international conference on electronics technology, icet 2021, paper number: 9450896,544-548;

73) zhang, c., song, g., dong, x., non-unit ultra-high-speed dc line protection method for hvdc grids using first peak time of voltage, ieee transactions on power delivery, paper number: 9153168,36(3)(2021),1683-1693;

74) dai, y., zhang, m., zhang, f., chen, b., wang, h., li, w., dong, x., practical scheme of optical voltage transformer in high voltage substations, 2022 ieee 5th international conference on electronics technology, icet 2022,443-447;

75) liang, y., shi, s., dong, x., chen, j., research on application setting scheme of distribution line non-communication protection, 2022 international conference on power energy systems and applications, icopesa 2022,655-660;

76) wang, s., shang, y., shi, y., ren, j., zhang, w., shi, s., dong, x., potential fault detection of power collection lines in large new energy stations, china international conference on electricity distribution, ciced, 2022-september, 1657-1662;

77) huyang, m., dong, x., deng, c., chao, w., huang, j., lin, g., research on overcurrent suppression structure for flexible dc distribution network, china international conference on electricity distribution, ciced, 2022-september, 1668-1673;

78) wang, b., he, x., jiang, y., lv, x., zhou, z., feng, c., dong, x, testing of ethernet function of domestically-made fpga chip and acquisition board for the application of protective relaying, proceedings - 2021 international conference on power system technology: carbon neutrality and new type of power system, powercon 2021, 510-516;

79) liu, z., hu, h., liang, y., wang, y., liu, c., shi, s., dong, x., overview of modeling schemes for mmc converter in flexible dc distribution network, proceedings - 2021 international conference on machine learning and intelligent systems engineering, mlise 2021, 131-134;

80) xin, zeyu; wang, haozong; dong, xinzhou; ren, xuan, inverse time zero sequence protection based on traveling wave startup information , 2021 3rd asia energy and electrical engineering symposium (aeees 2021),9403052,772-775;

81) zheng, shaoming; liu, yimin; hu, haoyu; yang, huimin; dong, peng; shi, shenxing; dong, xinzhou, traveling wave fault location and protection tester for dc lines, 2021 3rd asia energy and electrical engineering symposium (aeees 2021),9403206,125-129;

82) xue, taofeng; dong, xinzhou; zhuo, wei; jin, beihong; chen, he; pan, wenhai; li, beibei; zhang, xuejian, feedback-guided attributed graph embedding for relevant video recommendation, machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases: applied data science track, ecml pkdd 2020, pt iv,2021,12460,19-35;

83) dong, xinzhou; wang, haozong; xin, zeyu; shi, shenxing; wang, bin ; distribution system fault location method using reclosure-generating traveling waves, ieee power & energy society general meeting (pesgm), 2020,9281701;

84) dong, xinzhou; guan, eryong; jing, liuming; wang, hao; mirsaeidi, sohrab, simulation and analysis of cascading faults in hybrid ac/dc power grids, international journal of electrical power & energy systems, 115(2020),105492.


1) 董新洲、葛耀中,一种使用两端电气量的高压输电线路故障测距算法,电力系统自动化,19(8)(1995),47-53;

2) 董新洲、葛耀中、徐丙垠、陈平、李京,利用gps的输电线路行波故障测距研究,电力系统自动化,20(12)(1996),37-40;

3) 董新洲、葛耀中、徐丙垠、陈平,暂态信号发生器,继电器 更名为 电力系统保护与控制,25(05)(1997),38-40,45;

4) 董新洲、耿中行、葛耀中、张伏生、徐丙垠,小波变换应用于电力系统故障信号分析初探,中国电机工程学报,17(6)(1997),421-424;

5) 董新洲、葛耀中、徐丙垠、陈平、李京,新型输电线路故障测距装置的研制,电网技术,22(01)(1998),17-21;

6) 阿德南、董新洲、贺家李,方向高频保护的动作行为分析──第一部分: 复杂系统的复故障计算,电力系统及其自动化学报,10(03)(1998),53-59,63;

7) 董新洲、贺家李、葛耀中,小波变换在行波故障检测中的应用,继电器 更名为 电力系统保护与控制,26(5)(1998),3-6;

8) 董新洲、贺家李、葛耀中、徐丙垠,基于小波变换的行波故障选相研究 第2部分 仿真试验结果,电力系统自动化,23(1)(1999),20-22;

9) 董新洲、贺家李、葛耀中、徐丙垠,基于小波变换的行波故障选相研究 第1部分 理论基础,电力系统自动化,22(12)(1998),24-26,33;

10) 董新洲、葛耀中、徐丙垠,输电线路暂态电流行波的故障特征及其小波分析,电工技术学报,14(1)(1999),59-62;

11) 董新洲、贺家李、葛耀中,小波变换 第1讲 基本概念,继电器 更名为 电力系统保护与控制,27(1)(1999),66-69;

12) 董新洲、贺家李、葛耀中,小波变换 第2讲 离散小波变换,继电器 更名为 电力系统保护与控制,27(2)(1999),57-60;

13) 董新洲、葛耀中、徐丙垠,利用暂态电流行波的输电线路故障测距研究,中国电机工程学报,19(4)(1999),76-80;

14) 董新洲、贺家李、葛耀中,小波变换 第3讲 二进小波变换及信号的奇异性检测,继电器 更名为 电力系统保护与控制,27(3)(1999),67-70;

15) 苏斌、董新洲、孙元章,串联电容补偿线路行波差动保护研究,清华大学学报(自然科学版),45(1)(2005),137-140;

16) 张言苍、董新洲、董杏丽、葛耀中,dsp及其在行波保护中的应用,电力自动化设备,20(02)(2000),4-6;

17) 董新洲、葛耀中、贺家李、郭效军、薄志谦,输电线路行波保护的现状与展望 ,电力系统自动化,24(10)(2000),56-61;

18) 董杏丽、董新洲、张言苍、郭效军、葛耀中,基于小波变换的行波极性比较式方向保护原理研究,电力系统自动化,24(14)(2000),11-15,29;

19) 董杏丽、葛耀中、董新洲、张言苍,基于小波变换的行波幅值比较式方向保护,电力系统自动化,24(17)(2000),11-15,64;

20) 苏斌、贺家李、董新洲、张言苍,快速工频量高频方向保护的新方案,电力系统及其自动化学报,12(06)(2000),37-40;

21) 施慎行、董新洲、刘建政、薄志谦,配电线路无通道保护研究,电力系统自动化,25(6)(2001),31-14;

22) 董新洲、葛耀中、贺家李,波阻抗方向继电器的基本原理,电力系统自动化,25(9)(2001),15-18,22;

23) 董新洲、葛耀中、贺家李,波阻抗方向继电器的算法研究,电力系统自动化,25(10)(2001),14-17;

24) 董杏丽、葛耀中、董新洲,基于小波变换的无通道全线速动行波保护,电力系统自动化,25(10)(2001),18-22;

25) 董新洲、葛耀中、贺家李,波阻抗方向继电器的性能分析,电力系统自动化,25(11)(2001),24-27;

26) 董新洲、郭效军、张言苍、葛耀中、贺家李,波阻抗方向继电器的实现方案,电力系统自动化,25(12)(2001),20-23;

27) 董新洲、刘建政、余学文,输电线路暂态电压行波的故障特征及其小波分析,电工技术学报,16(03)(2001),57-61,74;

28) 董杏丽、葛耀中、董新洲、张伏生、张言苍、索南加乐,基于小波变换的行波测距式距离保护原理的研究,电网技术,25(07)(2001),9-13;

29) 苏斌、贺家李、董新洲、张言苍,短窗算法和快速工频方向元件的研究,天津电力技术,(z1)(2001),9-16;

30) 毕见广、郭永基、孙元章、董新洲,配电网单相故障仿真计算及分析,电力系统自动化,25(18)(2001),41-44;

31) 董新洲、刘建政、张言苍,行波的小波表示,清华大学学报(自然科学版),41(9)(2001),13-17;

32) 王维俭、董新洲、苏鹏声、葛宝明,在主设备保护中应用小波变换的几点商榷,电力系统自动化,25(19)(2001),53-54;

33) 徐丙垠、李京、陈平、陈羽、董新洲、葛耀中、p.f. gale,现代行波测距技术及其应用,电力系统自动化,25(19)(2001),62-65;

34) 董新洲,故障信息 小波变换与继电保护,中国电力,34(12)(2001),25-29;

35) 毕见广、郭永基、孙元章、董新洲,中性点不接地配电网故障过电压分析,继电器 更名为 电力系统保护与控制,29(12)(2001),1-4;

36) 陈铮、董新洲、罗承沐,电流互感器饱和影响测距精度的一种解决方法,电力系统自动化,26(1)(2002),39-41,52;

37) 葛耀中、董新洲、董杏丽,测距式行波距离保护的研究(一)——理论与实现技术,电力系统自动化,26(6)(2002),34-40;

38) 甘忠、董新洲、薄志谦,输电线路自适应无通道保护(一) ——故障分析与保护原理,电力系统自动化,26(7)(2002),33-37;

39) 甘忠、董新洲、薄志谦,输电线路自适应无通道保护(二)——构成方案与仿真试验,电力系统自动化,26(8)(2002),29-32,68;

40) 董杏丽、葛耀中、董新洲,测距式行波距离保护的研究(二)——原理方案与仿真试验,电力系统自动化,26(09)(2002),53-58;

41) 施慎行、董新洲、薄志谦,b. caunce,r. millar,配电线路无通道保护的实现与试验,电力系统自动化,26(12)(2002),45-47,63;

42) 董杏丽、葛耀中、董新洲,基于小波变换的比率式行波方向继电器的研究,西安交通大学学报,36(8)(2002),771-775;

43) 卢大海、朱亚东、董新洲、邵光耀、杨亮,基于小波分析的母线暂态行波保护新原理的探讨,电力自动化设备,22(08)(2002),63-66;

44) 董杏丽、葛耀中、董新洲,行波保护中雷电干扰问题的对策,中国电机工程学报,22(9)(2002),74-78;

45) 杨钟皓、董新洲,基于小波变换的变压器励磁涌流识别方法,清华大学学报(自然科学版),42(9)(2002),1184-1187;

46) 董杏丽、葛耀中、董新洲,行波保护中合闸到故障线路的检测方法,中国电机工程学报,22(10)(2002),77-80,90;

47) 贺家李、李永丽、郭征、李斌、董新洲,特高压输电线继电保护配置方案(一)特高压输电线的结构与运行特点,电力系统自动化,26(23)(2002),1-6;

48) 贺家李、李永丽、李斌、郭征、董新洲,特高压输电线继电保护配置方案(二)保护配置方案,电力系统自动化,26(24)(2002),1-6;

49) 刘建凯、董新洲、薄志谦,有分支配电线路无通道保护研究,电力系统自动化,27(1)(2003),37-41;

50) 陈铮、董新洲、罗承沐,带串联电容补偿装置的高压输电线路双端故障测距新算法,中国电机工程学报,23(1)(2003),11-15;

51) 陈平、徐丙垠、李京、董新洲、葛耀中,现代行波故障测距装置及其运行经验,电力系统自动化,27(6)(2003),66-69;

52) 陈铮、董新洲、罗承沐,单端工频电气量故障测距算法的鲁棒性,清华大学学报(自然科学版),43(3)(2003),310-313,317;

53) 苏斌、董新洲、阿德南、贺家李,方向高频保护的动作行为 第二部分:复故障情况下方向高频保护的动作行为分析,电力系统及其自动化学报,15(02)(2003),9-13,23;

54) 杨钟皓、董新洲,波阻抗方向继电器的完善方案,电工技术学报,18(2)(2003),22-26;

55) 葛耀中、董杏丽、董新洲,索南加乐,基于小波变换的电流行波母线保护的研究(一)——原理与判据,电工技术学报,18(02)(2003),95-99;

56) 董杏丽、葛耀中、董新洲,基于小波变换的电流行波母线保护的研究(二)——保护方案与仿真试验,电工技术学报,18(3)(2003),98-101;

57) 陈飞、董新洲、薄志谦,快速有选择性的辐射状配电网无通道保护,电力系统自动化,27(22)(2003),45-49;

58) 刘建凯、董新洲、薄志谦,有分支配电线路无通道保护的实现,电力系统自动化,27(23)(2003),41-44;

59) 施慎行、董新洲、周双喜、薄志谦、b. caunce.,转换性故障下无通道保护动作性能分析,电力系统自动化,28(11)(2004),6-8,27;

60) 董新洲、李幼仪、薄志谦,双回线无通道保护研究(一)故障分析和保护原理,电力系统自动化,28(11)(2004),53-56;

61) 李幼仪、董新洲、孙元章、薄志谦,双回线无通道保护研究(二)仿真试验,电力系统自动化,28(12)(2004),69-72;

62) 李幼仪、董新洲、孙元章、薄志谦、brj caunce,双回线无通道保护研究(三)保护实现和试验,电力系统自动化,28(13)(2004),69-72;

63) 苏斌、董新洲、孙元章、贺家李,特高压串补线路负序方向高频保护行为分析,电力系统自动化,28(14)(2004),9-13;

64) 王庆平、董新洲、周双喜、陈超英、陈礼义,华中电网故障暂态自适应仿真分析,电力系统自动化,28(17)(2004),81-83,87;

65) 王庆平、董新洲、周双喜、陈超英、陈礼义,基于自适应模型的变压器暂态全过程数值计算,电力系统自动化,28(18)(2004),54-58;

66) 苏斌、董新洲、孙元章,基于小波变换的行波差动保护,电力系统自动化,28(18)(2004),25-29,35;

67) 王庆平、董新洲、周双喜、陈超英、陈礼义,输电线路自适应暂态计算模型,清华大学学报(自然科学版),44(10)(2004),1313-1316;

68) 王庆平、董新洲、周双喜、陈超英、陈礼义,自适应暂态计算在继电保护分析中的应用,中国电机工程学报,24(11)(2004),43-47;

69) 苏斌、董新洲、孙元章,特高压带并联电抗器线路的行波差动保护,电力系统自动化,28(23)(2004),41-44,70;

70) 陈飞、董新洲、薄志谦,快速有选择性辐射状配电网无通道保护的实现,电力系统自动化,28(24)(2004),46-50;

71) 毕见广、董新洲、周双喜,基于两相电流行波的接地选线方法,电力系统自动化,29(3)(2005),17-20,50;

72) 董新洲、毕见广,配电线路暂态行波的分析和接地选线研究,中国电机工程学报,25(4)(2005),1-6;

73) 苏斌、董新洲、孙元章,适用于特高压线路的差动保护分布电容电流补偿算法,电力系统自动化,29(08)(2005),36-40,59;

74) 张梅、董新洲、薄志谦、b.r.j. caunce,实用化的配电线路无通道保护方案,电力系统自动化,29(12)(2005),68-72;

75) 薄志谦、和敬涵、董新洲,电力系统的集成保护,继电器 更名为 电力系统保护与控制,33(14)(2005),6-10,47;

76) 卢强、董新洲,继电保护与电力系统灾变防治,继电器 更名为 电力系统保护与控制,33(14)(2005),1-5,64;

77) 董新洲、罗澍忻、施慎行、王宾、王世勇、崔柳、王珺、任立、姜博、许飞、邬捷龙、刘峰、粟小华、张言苍、郭效军、兰金波、钱国明,基于极化电流行波方向继电器的行波方向比较式纵联保护技术及其在750kv线路上的应用,电力自动化设备,35(9)(2015),1-5;

78) 施慎行、董新洲、周双喜,单相接地故障下第2个反向行波识别的新方法,电力系统自动化,30(10)(2006),41-44,59;

79) 孔瑞忠、董新洲、毕见广,基于电流行波的小电流接地选线装置的试验,电力系统自动化,30(5)(2006),63-67;

80) 王宾、潘贞存,徐文远,董新洲,配电线路电流保护的跌落保护性能评估,电力系统自动化,30(6)(2006),25-29,41;

81) 李幼仪、董新洲、孙元章,基于行波理论的补偿电压突变量选相元件,电力系统自动化,30(8)(2006),37-40;

82) 王海港、董新洲、薄志谦,一种灵敏可靠的输电线路电流差动保护判据,电网技术,30(10)(2006),90-93,99;

83) 李幼仪、董新洲、孙元章,不同行波方向元件原理与判据的比较,清华大学学报(自然科学版),46(7)(2006),1208-1211;

84) 孙荣智、温渤婴、董新洲、秦立军,输电线路微机距离保护中解微分方程算法的分析与改进,现代电力,23(04)(2006),15-18;

85) 王宾、潘贞存、董新洲,电压跌落的配电线路全线速切治理方案,电网技术,30(21)(2006),84-88;

86) 康明才、董新洲,无通道保护应用研究,中国高校科技与产业化更名为 中国高校科技杂志,(z1)(2006),268-270;

87) 柴旭峥、梁曦东、曾嵘、董新洲,我国紧凑型输电线路的电气参数特性分析,电网技术,31(1)(2007),16-19,24;

88) 王宾、潘贞存、董新洲,基于电压跌落状态估计的复杂配电网络故障路径搜索算法,电网技术,31(10)(2007),55-60;

89) 董新洲、施慎行、王宾、孔玮、薄志谦,新型配电线路自动化模式,电力系统及其自动化学报,19(3)(2007),1-7;

90) 王宾、董新洲、周双喜、薄志谦、a. klimek、b. caunce,特高压交流输电线路接地阻抗继电器动作特性分析,电力系统自动化,31(17)(2007),45-49,86;

91) 汤枫、袁越、王宾、董新洲,特高压交流输电线路负序方向保护动作特性仿真分析,继电器 更名为 电力系统保护与控制,35(s1)(2007),30-35;

92) 张宁、董新洲、薄志谦、a. klimek,输电线路综合电流差动保护方案的研究,电力科学与技术学报,22(04)(2007),16-19;

93) 王宾、董新洲、薄志谦、andrew klimek,零序电抗继电器在特高压交流输电线路上的适用性分析,电力系统自动化,32(4)(2008),46-50;

94) 王侃、施慎行、杨建明、董新洲,基于暂态行波的接地选线装置及其现场试验,电力自动化设备,28(6)(2008),118-121;

95) 王宾、董新洲、薄志谦、andrew klimek,特高压长线路单端阻抗法单相接地故障测距,电力系统自动化,32(14)(2008),25-29;

96) 施慎行、董新洲,基于单相电流行波的故障选线原理研究,电力系统保护与控制,36(14)(2008),13-16;

97) 王宾、董新洲、薄志谦、andrew klimek,特高压交流长线路零序电抗继电器动作特性分析及改进,电工技术学报,60(12)(2008),60-64;

98) 董新洲、丁磊,数字化集成保护与控制系统结构设计方案研究,电力系统保护与控制,37(1)(2009),1-5;

99) 王宾、董新洲、薄志谦、andrew klimek,非全相运行输电线路负序方向纵联保护方法,电力系统自动化,33(12)(2009),61-66;

100) 刘琨、董新洲,基于本地信息预防连锁跳闸的集成保护实现方案,广东电力,28(09)(2015),79-84;

101) 姜永晖、温渤婴、丁磊、董新洲,基于数字化变电站ied接口的数据处理算法,电网技术,34(02)(2010),190-193;

102) 王宾、董新洲、薄志谦,数字化变电站全频带故障信息利用可行性分析初探,电力系统保护与控制,38(13)(2010),17-21;

103) 董新洲、丁磊、刘琨、施慎行、王宾、崔柳、薄志谦,基于本地信息的系统保护,中国电机工程学报,30(22)(2010),7-13;

104) 施慎行、任立、刘泽宇、董新洲,符合iec61850标准的行波电流选线装置研制,电力系统自动化,31(3)(2011),131-134;

105) 李旭洋、董新洲、薄志谦,电力变压器铁磁谐振检测方法研究,电力系统保护与控制,39(09)(2011),102-107;

106) 王宾、董新洲、潘贞存、薄志谦,含风电接入配电系统电压跌落传播特性分析,电力系统自动化,35(10)(2011),53-58;

107) 刘琨、董新洲、王宾、施慎行,故障动态过程对潮流转移识别的影响分析,电力系统自动化,35(13)(2011),31-36;

108) 刘琨、董新洲、王宾、施慎行,基于本地信息的潮流转移识别,电力系统自动化,35(14)(2011),80-86;

109) 王宾、戈政、董新洲、金恩淑、薄志谦,智能配电变电站过程总线信息共享通信特性分析,电力系统自动化,35(18)(2011),62-66;

110) 王世勇、董新洲、施慎行,不同频带下电压故障行波极性的一致性分析,电力系统自动化,35(20)(2011),68-73;

111) 董新洲、王世勇、施慎行,极化电流行波方向继电器,电力系统自动化,35(21)(2011),78-83,100;

112) 刘琨、董新洲、施慎行、王宾,对称故障下基于无通道保护的配电线路自动化,清华大学学报(自然科学版),51(11)(2011),1562-1567;

113) 王世勇、董新洲、施慎行,极化电流行波方向继电器的实现方案,电力系统自动化,35(23)(2011),76-81;

114) 王宾、董新洲,风电场电流保护动作特性等价低电压穿越容量性能分析,电力系统自动化,35(24)(2011),23-27;

115) 王宾、董新洲、许飞、曹润彬、刘琨、薄志谦,智能配电变电站集成保护控制信息共享分析,中国电机工程学报,31(s1)(2011),1-6;

116) 何世恩、董新洲,大规模风电机组脱网原因分析及对策,电力系统保护与控制,40(1)(2012),131-137,144;

117) 刘健、董新洲、陈星莺、张小庆、张志华,配电网容错故障处理关键技术研究,电网技术,36(1)(2012),253-257;

118) 刘琨、董新洲、施慎行、王宾,适用于配电线路无通道保护的重合闸方案,清华大学学报(自然科学版),52(03)(2012),356-361;

119) 刘琨、董新洲,单端电气量组合故障测距方法的适用性分析,广东电力,25(06)(2012),9-14;

120) 刘琨、董新洲、李幼仪,双回线无通道集成保护的实现方案,南方电网技术,6(04)(2012),11-16;

121) 刘琨、董新洲,基于方向行波的电力线路保护与检测技术,广东电力,25(10)(2012),22-27,32;

122) 施慎行、董新洲、吴家华、沈冬,配电线路单相接地故障自愈方案,电力自动化设备,32(11)(2012),97-101;

123) 李幼仪、董新洲、孙元章,基于电流行波的输电线横差保护,中国电机工程学报,22(11)(2002),6-10;

124) 王宾、董新洲、张道农,电力系统戴维南等值分析应用及dg灵活接入后的影响,华北电力技术,(12)(2012),29-34;

125) 施慎行、许刚、董新洲、殷迪清、刘琨、王恺,基于无通道保护的配电线路自动化系统现场应用方案,电工电能新技术,32(1)(2013),94-97,103;

126) 薄志谦、张保会、董新洲、和敬涵、林湘宁、曾祥君、李斌,保护智能化的发展与智能继电器网络,电力系统保护与控制,41(02)(2013),1-12;

127) 董新洲、曹润彬、王宾、施慎行、dominik bak,印度大停电与继电保护的三大功能,电力系统保护与控制,41(2)(2013),19-25;

128) 刘琨、董新洲,基于本地信息预防连锁跳闸的快速控制策略生成方法,广东电力,26(03)(2013),19-25,36;

129) 董新洲、王珺、施慎行,配电线路单相接地行波保护的原理与算法,中国电机工程学报,33(10)(2013),154-160,s20;

130) 王珺、董新洲、施慎行,配电线路单相接地行波保护的实现与试验,中国电机工程学报,33(13)(2013),172-8;

131) 刘琨、董新洲、薄志谦,适用于配电线路无通道保护的备用电源自动投入装置,电力系统自动化,33(6)(2013),147-151,162;

132) 王珺、董新洲、施慎行,考虑参数依频变化特性的辐射状架空配电线路行波传播研究,中国电机工程学报,33(22)(2013),96-102;

133) 耿建昭、王宾、董新洲、bak dominik,中性点有效接地配电网高阻接地故障特征分析及检测,电力系统自动化,37(16)(2013),85-91;

134) 刘健、张小庆、陈星莺、沈兵兵、董新洲、张志华,集中智能与分布智能协调配合的配电网故障处理模式,电网技术,37(9)(2013),2608-2614;

135) 任立、董新洲、施慎行、王宾、dominik bak,极化电流行波方向继电器在带并联电抗器输电线上的特性,电力系统自动化,37(21)(2013),169-175;

136) 崔柳、董新洲、施慎行、王宾、dominik bak,多相补偿距离继电器在振荡且伴随单相接地故障下的动作性能分析,中国电机工程学报,33(34)(2013),214-222;

137) 王宾、黄磊、曹润彬、董新洲、康明才,智能变电站126kv智能终端设计与测试方案研究,电力系统保护与控制,42(01)(2014),119-125;

138) 董新洲、苏斌、施慎行,二次扰动信息及其在继电保护中的应用,电力系统自动化,28(2)(2004),21-25;

139) 毕见广、董新洲、郭永基,基于故障附加网络的故障分量算法,清华大学学报(自然科学版) ,14(1)(2004),89-92;

140) 董新洲、曹润彬、崔柳、王宾、施慎行、dominik bak、brian kirby、杨霞,现代电力系统集成后备保护方案,电力系统保护与控制,42(5)(2014),21-25;

141) 朱声石、崔柳、董新洲,不受电力系统振荡影响的距离保护,中国电机工程学报,34(7)(2014),1175-1182;

142) 许飞、董新洲、王宾、施慎行,新型输电线路单端电气量组合故障测距方法及其试验研究,电力自动化设备,34(4)(2014),37-42;

143) 曹润彬、董新洲、王宾、施慎行、bak dominik、何世恩、孙辰军,数字化集成保护控制系统的实现方案,电力自动化设备,34(5)(2014),149-155;

144) 王宾、耿建昭、董新洲,基于介质击穿原理的配电线路高阻接地故障精确建模,电力系统自动化,38(12)(2014),62-66,106;

145) 崔柳、董新洲,具有抗过渡电阻能力的多相补偿距离继电器,中国电机工程学报,34(19)(2014),3220-3225;

146) 王宾、耿建昭、董新洲,配网高阻接地故障伏安特性分析及检测,中国电机工程学报,24(22)(2014),3815-3823;

147) 罗澍忻、董新洲、施慎行、王世勇,极化电流行波方向继电器在串补线路中的应用,电力系统自动化,38(15)(2014),100-105,111;

148) 王宾、倪江、董新洲,智能变电站行波选线技术应用通信方案分析,电工电能新技术,33(10)(2014),1-6,22;

149) 董新洲、苏斌、薄志谦、贺家李,特高压输电线路继电保护特殊问题的研究,电力系统自动化,28(22)(2004),19-22;

150) 姜博、董新洲、施慎行,基于单相电流行波的配电线路单相接地故障选线方法,中国电机工程学报,34(34)(2014),6216-6227;

151) 许飞、董新洲,变电站二次回路电流行波传变特性,清华大学学报(自然科学版),55(2)(2015),251-256;

152) 刘琨、董新洲,一种基于本地信息的自适应过负荷保护方案,广东电力,28(04)(2015),45-50,67;

153) 曹润彬、董新洲、何世恩,事故过负荷情况下距离保护的动作行为分析,中国电机工程学报,35(13)(2015),3314-3323;

154) 刘琨、曹润彬、董新洲,避免事故过负荷条件下远后备保护不合理动作的九游会官方网站登录的解决方案,广东电力,28(07)(2015),78-83,108;

155) 耿建昭、王宾、董新洲,利用单相跳闸后信息的输电线路单相接地单端精确测距方法,电工技术学报,30(16)(2015),184-193;

156) 姜博、董新洲、施慎行,近似熵在配电网继发性故障检测中的应用研究,电力系统保护与控制,43(17)(2015),15-21;

157) 许飞、董新洲、王宾、施慎行,考虑二次回路暂态传变特性的单端组合测距算法及其应用,中国电机工程学报,35(20)(2015),5210-5219;

158) 姜博、董新洲、施慎行,配电网单相接地故障选线典型方法实验研究,电力自动化设备,35(11)(2015),67-74;

159) 廖志刚、何世恩、董新洲、王宾、曹润彬、施慎行、李津、郑伟,提高大规模风电接纳及送出的系统保护研究,电力系统保护与控制,43(22)(2015),41-46;

160) 施慎行、董新洲、周双喜,单相接地故障行波分析,电力系统自动化,29(23)(2005),29-32,53;

161) 姜博、董新洲、施慎行、王宾,自适应时频窗行波选线方法研究,中国电机工程学报,35(24)(2015),6387-6397;

162) 雷傲宇、董新洲、施慎行,一种识别输电线路单相接地故障下第二个反向行波的方法,中国电机工程学报,36(8)(2016),2151-2158;

163) 罗澍忻、董新洲,基于故障行波过程的直流线路单端保护,广东电力,29(09)(2016),52-57;

164) 官二勇、董新洲、冯腾,一种固态直流限流器拓扑结构,中国电机工程学报,37(4)(2017),978-985;

165) 董新洲、冯腾、王飞、施慎行、王宾、罗澍忻,暂态行波保护测试仪,电力系统自动化,37(2)(2017),192-198;

166) 汤兰西、董新洲,半波长交流输电线路行波差动电流特性的研究,中国电机工程学报,37(8)(2017),2261-2269,s10;

167) 陆元园、王宾、刘辉、吴林林、陈璨、董新洲,风电场并网输电线路单相接地故障单端测距方法,电力系统自动化,41(10)(2017),100-105;

168) 雷傲宇、董新洲、冯腾、汤兰西,半波长输电线路短路故障后的故障方向特性,电网技术,41(12)(2017),3832-3838;

169) 王宾、魏向向、张国辉、温渤婴、冯迎春、董新洲,换流站交流滤波支路断路器燃弧故障建模分析,中国电机工程学报,38(5)(2018),1496-1503;

170) 王宾、魏向向、张国辉、冯迎春、温渤婴、董新洲,交流滤波器支路断路器高频燃弧故障检测研究,中国电机工程学报,38(6)(2018),1837-1845,s27;

171) 董新洲、冯腾、王飞,用于行波保护测试的暂态信号发生器关键技术,电力系统自动化,37(11)(2017),66-71,77;

172) 冯腾、董新洲,架空线路电磁暂态仿真中弧垂的处理方法,中国电机工程学报,38(9)(2018),2634-2640,s11;

173) 董新洲、雷傲宇、汤兰西,电力线路行波差动保护与电流差动保护的比较研究,电力系统保护与控制,46(01)(2018),1-8;

174) 杨林、王宾、董新洲,高压直流输电线路故障测距研究综述,电力系统自动化,42(8)(2018),185-191;

175) 董新洲、汤兰西、施慎行、邱宇峰、孔明、庞辉,柔性直流输电网线路保护配置方案,电网技术,42(6)(2018),1752-1759;

176) 董新洲、雷傲宇、汤兰西、王宾、施慎行,行波特性分析及行波差动保护技术挑战与展望,电力系统自动化,42(19)(2018),184-191;

177) 冯腾、董新洲,双端行波故障测距装置性能测试方法,电力自动化设备,38(09)(2018),114-120,128;

178) 汤兰西、董新洲、施慎行、孔明、邱宇峰,柔性直流电网线路超高速行波保护原理与实现,电网技术,42(10)(2018),3182-3192;

179) 董新洲、汤涌、卜广全、沈沉、宋国兵、王增平、甘德强、侯俊贤、王宾、赵兵、施慎行,大型交直流混联电网安全运行面临的问题与挑战,中国电机工程学报,39(11)(2019),3107-3118;

180) 汤兰西、董新洲,mmc直流输电网线路短路故障电流的近似计算方法,中国电机工程学报,39(2)(2019),490-498;

181) 蔡静、董新洲,高压直流输电线路故障清除及恢复策略研究综述,电力系统自动化,43(11)(2019),181-190;

182) 官二勇、董新洲、王豪,直流电网组合式故障限流装置及其运行策略硏究,中国电机工程学报,39(11)(2019),3222-3230;

183) 贾琦、董新洲、施慎行,实用化的辐射状配电线路单相接地行波保护方案,中国电机工程学报,39(6)(2019),1543-1550;

184) 景柳铭、王宾、董新洲、王海港、俞斌、谢民、陈实,高压直流输电系统连续换相失败研究综述,电力自动化设备,39(9)(2019),116-123;

185) 张晨浩、宋国兵、董新洲、杨黎明,利用波前广义logistic函数拟合的直流输电线路快速保护原理,中国电机工程学报,39(11)(2019),3168-3175;

186) 张国辉、李志中、王宾、刘萌、董新洲,基于adaboost的高压直流线路连续换相失败预警方法,电力系统保护与控制,47(19)(2019),69-77;

187) 王宾、崔鑫、董新洲,配电线路弧光高阻故障检测技术综述,中国电机工程学报,20191218,1-12;

188) 雷傲宇、董新洲,超/特高压输电线路宽频窗短时窗行波差动保护方法,中国电机工程学报,39(23)(2019),6826-6835 7096;

189) 董新洲、汤涌、卜广全、王宾,特约主编寄语,电力自动化设备,39(9)(2019),1-2 7;

190) 张晨浩、宋国兵、董新洲,一种应对高阻故障的单端自适应行波保护方法,中国电机工程学报,20190730,1-11;

191) 罗澍忻,董新洲,基于lcc的高压直流输电线路保护分析及展望,广东电力,32(2)(2019),121-129;

192) 贾琦,董新洲,施慎行.实用化的辐射状配电线路单相接地行波保护方案[j].中国电机工程学报,39(06)(2019),1543-1550 1851;

193) 汤兰西,董新洲.mmc直流输电网线路短路故障电流的近似计算方法[j].中国电机工程学报,39(02)(2019),490-498 646;

194) 官二勇,董新洲,王豪.直流电网组合式故障限流装置及其运行策略研究[j].中国电机工程学报,39(11)(2019),3222-3231;

195) 董新洲,汤涌,卜广全,沈沉,宋国兵,王增平,甘德强,侯俊贤,王宾,赵兵,施慎行.大型交直流混联电网安全运行面临的问题与挑战[j].中国电机工程学报,39(11)(2019),3107-3119;

196) 张晨浩,宋国兵,董新洲,杨黎明.利用波前广义logistic函数拟合的直流输电线路快速保护原理[j].中国电机工程学报,39(11)(2019),3168-3176;

197) 蔡静,董新洲.高压直流输电线路故障清除及恢复策略研究综述[j].电力系统自动化,43(11)(2019),181-190;

198) 景柳铭,王宾,董新洲,王海港,俞斌,谢民,陈实.高压直流输电系统连续换相失败研究综述[j].电力自动化设备,39(09)(2019),116-123;

199) 董新洲,汤涌,卜广全,王宾.特约主编寄语[j].电力自动化设备,39(09)(2019),1-2 7;

200) 张国辉,李志中,王宾,刘萌,董新洲.基于adaboost的高压直流线路连续换相失败预警方法[j].电力系统保护与控制,47(19)(2019),69-77;

201) 雷傲宇,董新洲.超/特高压输电线路宽频窗短时窗行波差动保护方法[j].中国电机工程学报,39(23)(2019),6826-6835 7096;

202) 张晨浩,宋国兵,董新洲.一种应对高阻故障的单端自适应行波保护方法[j].中国电机工程学报,40(11)(2020),3548-3557;

203) 王宾,崔鑫,董新洲.配电线路弧光高阻故障检测技术综述[j].中国电机工程学报,2020,40(01):96-107 377;

204) 董新洲,汤涌,卜广全.特约主编寄语[j].电力系统自动化,2020,44(22):1;

205) 张国辉,景柳铭,王宾,刘萌,董新洲.谐波引起的高压直流输电连续换相失败抑制方法研究[j].电力系统保护与控制,48(5)(2020),33-41;

206) 宋国兵,王婷,张保会,董新洲,康小宁.利用电力电子装置的探测式故障识别技术分析与展望[j].电力系统自动化,44(20)(2020),173-183;

207) 张晨浩,宋国兵,董新洲.利用故障电流首行波拟合的柔性直流输电线路单端行波保护原理[j].中国电机工程学报,41(08)(2021),2651-2661;

208) 王宾,李志中,董新洲.基于动态相量法的直流系统暂态响应实时快速仿真计算方法[j].中国电机工程学报,41(05)(2021),1608-1618;

209) 张晨浩,宋国兵,董新洲,黄金海.混合多端直流输电线路快速保护及自适应重启方法实用化研究[j].中国电机工程学报,41(11)(2021),3873-3885;

210) 张晨浩,宋国兵,李洋,闫吉飞,董新洲.基于故障电压行波传播项指数系数的柔性直流输电线路单端行波保护原理[j].中国电机工程学报,41(24)(2021),8424-8437;;

211) 闫群民,董新洲,穆佳豪,马永翔.基于改进多目标粒子群算法的有源配电网储能优化配置[j].电力系统保护与控制,50(10)(2022),11-19;

212) 闫群民,刘语忱,董新洲,马永翔.基于ceemdan-ht的平抑光伏出力混合储能容量优化配置[j].电力系统保护与控制, 50(21)(2022),43-53。


1) xinzhou dong, tao cui, zhiqian bo, andrzej klimek, andrzej juszczyk; method and system for transient and intermittent earth fault detection and direction determination in a three-phase median voltage electric power distribution system, 欧洲; 2013.3.20; ep 2417467b1;alstom technology ltd, tsinghua university;

2) dong xinzhou, cui tao, bo zhiqian, klimek andrzej, juszczyk andrzej; verfahren und system zur detektion von transienten und in abständen auftretenden erdfehlern und richtungsbestimmung in einem elektrischen dreiphasen-mittelspannungs-energieverteilungssystem; 2013; ep 02417467; 瑞士 ch;

3) juszczyk, andrzej, walbrzych, bo, zhiqian, dong, xinzhou, klimek, andrzej, cui, tao; verfahren und system zur detektion von transienten- und in abständen auftretenden erdfehlern und richtungsbestimmung in einem elektrischen dreiphasen-mittelspannungs-energieverteilungssystem; 2013; ep 2417467; 德国 de;

4) dong xinzhou, cui tao, bo zhiqian, klimek andrzej, juszczyk andrzej; procédé et système pour la détection des défauts à la terre transitoires et intermittents et la détermination de la direction dans un système de distribution d'énergie électrique triphasé à tension moyenne; 2013; ep 2417467; 法国 fr;

5) dong xinzhou, cui tao, bo zhiqian, klimek andrzej, juszczyk andrzej; method and system for transient and intermittent earth fault detection and direction determination in a three-phase medium voltage electric power distribution; 2013; ep 2417467; 英国 gb;

6) dong xinzhou, cui tao, bo zhiqian, klimek andrzej, juszczyk andrzej; verfahren und system zur detektion von transienten- und in abständen auftretenden erdfehlern und richtungsbestimmung in einem elektrischen dreiphasen-mittelspannungs-energieverteilungssystem; 2013; ep 02417467; 列支敦士登 li;

7) dong xinzhou, cui tao; method for detecting single phase grounding fault based on harmonic component of residual current; 2014; us 08918296b2; 美国;

8) dong xinzhou, cui tao; method for detecting single phase grounding fault based on harmonic component of residual current; 2016; ca 2741425c; 加拿大;

9) dong xinzhou, cui tao; method for detecting single phase grounding fault based on harmonic component of residual current; 2015; ep 2352038b1; 欧洲;

10) dong xinzhou, cui tao; verfahren zum detektieren eines einphasen-erdungsfehlers auf der basis der oberschwingungskomponente des reststroms; 2015; ep 02352038; 瑞士 ch;

11) dong xinzhou, cui tao; verfahren zum detektieren eines einphasen-erdungsfehlers auf der basis der oberschwingungskomponente des reststroms; 2015; ep 2352038; 德国 de;

12) dong xinzhou, cui tao; procédé de détection de défaut de mise à la terre en monophasé basé sur la composante harmonique du courant résiduel; 2011; ep 2352038; 法国 fr;

13) dong xinzhou, cui tao; method for detecting single phase grounding fault based on harmonic component of residual current; 2015; ep 2352038; 英国 gb;

14) dong xinzhou, cui tao; verfahren zum detektieren eines einphasen-erdungsfehlers auf der basis der oberschwingungskomponente des reststroms; 2015; ep 02352038; 列支敦士登 li;

15) xinzhou dong, xuyang li, zhiqian bo, ray chatfield, andrzej klimek; method and system for online ferroresonance detection; 2016; us 09246326b2; 美国;

16) dong xinzhou, li xuyang, bo zhiqian, chatfield ray, klimek andrzej; method and system for online ferroresonance detection; 2017; ca 2801214c; 加拿大;

17) dong xinzhou, li xuyang, bo zhiqian, chatfield ray, klimek andrzej; method and system for online ferroresonance detection; 2013; ep 2577827b1; 欧洲;

18) dong xinzhou, li xuyang, bo zhiqian, chatfield ray, klimek andrzej; method and system for online ferroresonance detection, verfahren und system für online-ferroresonanzerkennung; 2014; ep 02577827; 瑞士; ch;

19) dong xinzhou, li xuyang, bo zhiqian, chatfield ray, klimek andrzej; method and system for online ferroresonance detection, procédé et système de détection de ferrorésonance en ligne; 2014; ep 2577827; 法国 fr;

20) dong xinzhou, li xuyang, bo zhiqian, chatfield ray, klimek andrzej; method and system for online ferroresonance detection; 2014; ep 2577827; 英国 gb;

21) dong xinzhou, li xuyang, bo zhiqian, chatfield ray, klimek andrzej; method and system for online ferroresonance detection; 2014; 2577827; 爱尔兰 ie;

22) dong xinzhou, li xuyang, bo zhiqian, chatfield ray, klimek andrzej; method and system for online ferroresonance detection, verfahren und system für online-ferroresonanzerkennung; 2014; ep 02577827; 列支敦士登 li;

23) dong xinzhou, li xuyang, bo zhiqian, chatfield ray, klimek andrzej; method and system for online ferroresonance detection; 2014; ep 2577827; 卢森堡 lu;

24) dong xinzhou, li xuyang, bo zhiqian, chatfield ray, klimek andrzej; method and system for online ferroresonance detection; 2014; ep 2577827; 荷兰 nl.


1) 董新洲、张言苍;高速同步数据采集与数字信号处理板;授权日:2003.9.24;专利号:z l 00 1 0912 6.3;清华大学,国电南京自动化股份有限公司;

2) 董新洲、施慎行、王世勇、崔柳、王珺、王飞、姜博;高压输电线路超高速行波方向纵联保护方法、装置和系统; 授权日:2014.5.14;专利号:z l 2011 1 0047582.5;清华大学;

3) 董新洲、雷傲宇;电力线路行波差动保护方法、装置、设备及介质; 授权日:2019.9.20;专利号:z l 2018 1 0034057.1;清华大学;

4) 董新洲、汤兰西、施慎行等;柔性直流输电线路的保护方法和保护装置; 授权日:2019.3.1;专利号:z l 2016 1 0998450.3;清华大学;

5) 董新洲;小电流接地系统单相接地的故障选线装置;授权日:2002.2.13;专利号:z l 01118471.x;清华大学;

6) 董新洲、张言苍、余学文;暂态行波保护测试仪; 授权日:2004.3.17;专利号:z l 01 1 20138.x;清华大学;

7) 董新洲、丁磊;数字化变电站保护控制方法及其多功能保护控制器;授权日:2011.4.27;专利号:z l 20081 0223970.2;清华大学;

8) 董新洲、曹润彬、施慎行等;站域距离保护iii段的事故过负荷闭锁方法; 授权日:2018.4.10;专利号:z l 2014 1 0805868.9;清华大学;

9) 董新洲、施慎行;一种配电线路不对称故障继电保护方法;授权日:2014.11.4;专利号:z l 2012 1 0138050.7;清华大学;

10) 董新洲、余学文、刘建政;高速同步数/模转换模板及其数据处理、控制方法;授权日:2004.3.10;专利号:z l 00 1 09127.1;清华大学;

11) 董新洲、薄志谦;配电网继电保护与故障定位系统;授权日:2002.2.6;专利号:z l 01 1 30657.2;清华大学,英国阿尔斯通输配电保护与控制公司;

12) 董新洲、郭效军、葛耀中、贺家李;输电线路数字式行波保护方法及其继电器与保护系统; 授权日:2002.7.3;专利号:z l 01 1 43449.x;清华大学,国电南自;

13) 董新洲;高精度故障录波器及其输电线路组合故障测距方法;授权日:2002.9.4;专利号:z l 01 1 43448.1;清华大学;

14) 董新洲、王宾、薄志谦;抗分布电容电流影响的线路单相接地故障的继电保护方法; 授权日:2007.7.11;专利号:z l 2006 1 0144275.8;清华大学,英国阿海珐输配电保护与控制公司;

15) 董新洲、张宁、薄志谦;数字式电流综合器; 授权日:2007.1010;专利号:z l 2007 1 0065390.0;清华大学,英国阿海珐输配电保护与控制公司;

16) 董新洲、王宾;抗分布电容电流和过渡电阻影响的线路单端故障测距方法; 授权日:2007.11.7;专利号:z l 2007 1 0100215.0;清华大学;

17) 董新洲、王宾;一种基于负序电抗继电器的单相接地故障继电保护方法; 授权日:2008.1.16;专利号:z l 2007 1 0100216.5;清华大学;

18) 董新洲、施慎行、崔韬;基于暂态行波的高阻接地故障检测方法; 授权日:2009.4.8;专利号:z l 2007 1 0303724.3;清华大学;

19) 王宾、董新洲;非全相运行方式下的输电线路负序方向纵联保护方法; 授权日:2011.9.14;专利号:z l 2008 1 0225743.3;清华大学;

20) 施慎行、董新洲;基于行波电气量量测的电力电缆在线绝缘监测方法;授权日:2009.9.16;专利号:z l 2009 1 0081348.7;清华大学;

21) 施慎行、董新洲;基于行波电气量量测的电力系统故障预警方法; 授权日:2009.9.16;专利号:z l 2009 1 0081349.1;清华大学;

22) 董新洲、丁磊、王宾、施慎行、刘琨;基于变电站本地信息的电网系统保护方法; 授权日:2011.3.30;专利号:z l 2009 1 0089563.1;清华大学;

23) 董新洲、施慎行、王宾、王世勇;输电线路故障方向检测方法; 授权日:2010.5.5;专利号:z l 2009 1 0238231.5;清华大学;

24) 董新洲、王世勇、施慎行、王宾;输电线路故障方向元件; 授权日:2010.5.19;专利号:z l 2009 1 0238232.x;清华大学;

25) 王宾、董新洲、施慎行;一种面向变电站内单间隔的单端故障录波测距装置; 授权日:2010.8.11;专利号:z l 2009 1 0244485.8;清华大学;

26) 施慎行、董新洲;单相接地测距方法和测距装置;授权日:2011.1.12;专利号:z l 2010 1 0244606.1;清华大学;

27) 施慎行、董新洲;单相接地故障诊断方法和装置;授权日:2011.1.12;专利号:z l 2010 1 0244589.1;清华大学;

28) 董新洲、施慎行、王珺;单相接地继电保护方法;授权日:2014.9.2;专利号:z l 2010 1 0565305.9;清华大学;

29) 施慎行、董新洲;单相接地故障自愈装置和系统; 授权日:2013.9.25;专利号:z l 2011 1 0051967.9;清华大学;

30) 施慎行、董新洲;单相接地故障自愈方法; 授权日:2014.4.16;专利号:z l 2011 1 0051968.3;清华大学;

31) 董新洲、王世勇、施慎行;高速数据采集与数字信号处理装置;授权日:2011.8.7;专利号:z l 2011 1 0070210.4;清华大学;

32) 王宾、董新洲;一种降低风电场低电压穿越容量需求的集成保护方法;授权日:2013.10.23;z l 2011 1 0347316.4;清华大学;

33) 施慎行、董新洲、齐天来;小电流接地系统单相接地测距方法和测距装置; 授权日:2015.7.29;专利号:z l 2012 1 0007263.6;清华大学;

34) 董新洲、施慎行;一种配电线路三相故障处理方法; 授权日:2015.3.4;专利号:z l 2012 1 0137308.1;清华大学;

35) 董新洲、王宾、曹润彬、许飞;一种智能变电站集成保护的快速起动及相量计算方法; 授权日:2014.10.22;专利号:z l 2012 1 0237750.1;清华大学;

36) 董新洲、王珺、施慎行;配电线路单相接地行波保护装置; 授权日:2014.10.22;专利号:z l 2012 1 0253747.9;清华大学;

37) 董新洲、王珺、施慎行;配电线路单相接地行波保护方法;授权日:2014.10.9;专利号:z l 2012 1 0252585.7;清华大学;

38) 王宾、耿建昭、董新洲;基于零序电流波形畸变凹凸性的高阻接地故障检测方法; 授权日:2014.8.20;专利号:z l 2012 1 0425453.x;清华大学;

39) 王宾、耿建昭、董新洲;基于零序电流过零点间断判别的高阻接地故障检测方法; 授权日:2014.10.22;专利号:z l 2012 1 0425483.0;清华大学;

40) 王宾、耿建昭、董新洲;一种高阻接地故障波形畸变特征抽取方法;授权日: 2015.4.15;专利号:z l 2013 1 0043404.4;清华大学;

41) 王宾、耿建昭、董新洲;一种基于故障电阻非线性识别的高阻接地故障检测方法; 授权日:2015.4.15;专利号:z l 2013 1 0175572.9;清华大学;

42) 王宾、董新洲;集电线路全线速切保护与优化重合闸方法;授权日:2015.9.30;专利号:z l 2013 1 0319340.6;清华大学;

43) 王宾、耿建昭、董新洲;输电线路单相接地故障单端测距方法; 授权日:2016.2.24;专利号:z l 2013 1 0415348.2;清华大学;

44) 施慎行、董新洲、梅春晓、臧今为、沙济通、程亚平、张志刚、姜巍、齐天来;风电场电力线路的故障预警系统和方法; 授权日:2016.6.8;专利号:z l 2013 1 0656785.3;清华大学;

45) 王宾、倪江、耿建昭、董新洲;智能变电站多间隔暂态行波信号实时共享方法; 授权日:2015.10.28;专利号:z l 2014 1 0114104.5;清华大学;

46) 董新洲、王玉君、王宾、施慎行、刘健;配电网黑启动方案生成方法和系统; 授权日:2016.5.11;专利号:z l 2014 1 0281824.0;清华大学;

47) 董新洲、王玉君、王宾、施慎行、刘健;配电网黑启动方案生成方法和系统; 授权日:2016.5.4;专利号:z l 2014 1 0287561.4;清华大学;

48) 王宾、耿建昭、董新洲;基于相继动作的高压线路瞬时性接地故障单端测距方法; 授权日:2017.2.15;专利号:z l 2014 1 0462665.4;清华大学;

49) 董新洲、曹润彬、施慎行、陈昕;站域接地距离保护iii段自适应偏移特性整定方法; 授权日:2017.4.5;专利号:z l 2014 1 0538903.5;清华大学;

50) 董新洲、曹润彬、施慎行、何世恩、路亮、姚旭;站域距离保护iii段平行线分支系数快速调整方法; 授权日:2017.4.12;专利号:z l 2014 1 0539684.2;清华大学;

51) 董新洲、曹润彬、施慎行、倪江、雷傲宇、陈昕;一种架空输电线路自适应过负荷保护动作方法; 授权日:2017.11.28;专利号:z l 2014 1 0805734.7;清华大学;

52) 董新洲、曹润彬、施慎行、陈昕、倪江、雷傲宇;基于回声状态网络的架空输电线路最高温度预测方法;授权日:2017.12.26;专利号:z l 2014 1 0827951.6;清华大学;

53) 董新洲、薄志谦、陈昕、施慎行;双变电站路径探索方法、装置及电力系统; 授权日:2018.11.9;专利号:z l 2015 1 0481061;清华大学;

54) 董新洲、任立、罗澍忻、汤兰西、唐志军、邓超平、林少真;输电线路的保护方法和输电线路的保护装置;授权日:2018.4.10;专利号:z l 2015 1 0696547.4;清华大学;

55) 董新洲、任立、罗澍忻、汤兰西、唐志军、石吉银、翟博龙;输电线路故障方向的判断方法和判断装置; 授权日:2018.5.11;专利号:z l 2015 1 0696546.x;清华大学;

56) 董新洲、任立、汤兰西、罗澍忻、唐志军、黄巍、林国栋;输电线路故障行波的处理方法和处理装置; 授权日:2018.6.15;专利号:z l 2015 1 0696563.3;清华大学;

57) 姜博、董新洲;配电系统的单相接地故障选线方法和装置;授权日:2018.8.28;专利号:z l 2015 1 0959309.8;清华大学;

58) 董新洲、官二勇、冯腾;直流限流电路、直流限流装置和直流输电系统;授权日: 2018.11.6;专利号:z l 2016 1 0638360;清华大学;

59) 王宾、杨林、陆元园、董新洲、刘辉、陈璨、吴林林;一种风电机组低电压穿越输出特性灵活仿真方法;授权日: 2018.11.23;专利号:z l 2016 1 0936477;清华大学;

60) 董新洲、景柳铭、官二勇、王宾、王豪、周建华、何泽家;一种母线电路的故障方向的延时判别方法和系统; 授权日:2019.11.22;专利号:z l 2018 1 0071308.3;清华大学;

61) 董新洲、贾琦、施慎行;单相接地行波保护方法及装置和计算机设备;授权日:2019.9.20;专利号:z l 2018 1 0066880.0;清华大学;

62) 董新洲、雷傲宇;串联电容补偿线路行波差动保护方法、装置、设备及介质;授权日:2018.10.18;专利号:z l 2018 1 0034069.4;清华大学;

63) 董新洲、雷傲宇;并联电抗补偿线路行波差动保护方法、装置、设备及介质;授权日:2019.8.9;专利号:z l 2018 1 0034039.3;清华大学;

64) 董新洲、雷傲宇、王宾;故障启动方法、系统及高压输电线路继电保护系统;授权日:2019.6.18;专利号:z l 2017 1 0659369.7;清华大学;

65) 王宾、陆正园、董新洲;一种输电线路单相接地故障自适应重合闸判断方法;授权日:2019.5.7;专利号:z l 2017 1 0123414.7;清华大学;

66) 李建华,董良斌,董新洲,施慎行,用于输出宽频带大电流的功率放大器;授权日:2010.7.14;专利号:z l 2009 1 0243134. 5;北京衡天北斗,清华大学;

67) 董新洲、汤兰西、王宾、施慎行、贺之源、庞辉、孔明、吴亚楠、裴翔羽;柔性直流输电线路雷击干扰的快速识别方法及装置;授权日:2019.7.12;专利号:z l 2016 1 1004814.8;清华大学;

68) 王宾、陆正园、董新洲、刘辉、陈璨、吴林林;风电场并网输电线路瞬时单相接地故障单端测距方法;授权日:2019.2.22;专利号:z l 2016 1 0936476.5;清华大学;

69) 董新洲、薄志谦、陈昕、施慎行、刘芮彤、范维、王林、赵颖科;基于保护智能中心的采样同步方法和采样同步装置; 授权日:2019.1.4;专利号:z l 2016 1 0382429.0;清华大学;

70) 董新洲、薄志谦、陈昕、施慎行;基于蚁群算法的路径探索方法、装置及电力系统; 授权日:2019.2.22;专利号:z l 2015 1 0463911.2;清华大学;

71) 董新洲、施慎行、崔韬;基于暂态行波的高阻接地故障检测方法;授权日:2010.9.8;专利号:z l 2007 1 0303724.3;清华大学;

72) 董新洲、李旭阳、薄志谦、r·查特菲尔德、a·克利梅克;用于进行在线铁磁共振检测的方法和系统;授权日:2015.4.1;专利号:z l 2010 8 0067201.3;清华大学;

73) 刘健、盛万兴、徐石明、董新洲、陈星莺、王宏安;配电网故障定位的容错方法; 授权日:2013.11.27;专利号:z l 2011 1 0456588.8;陕西电科院,中国电科院,国网电科院,清华,河海,中科院,国网公司;

74) 施慎行、董新洲、齐天来;小电流接地系统单相接地测距方法和测距装置;授权日:2015.7.29;专利号:z l 2012 1 0007263.6;清华大学;

75) 施慎行、董新洲、沈冬、吴家华;一种中性点非有效接地系统故障自愈方法;授权日:2016.6.29;专利号:z l 2013 1 0164590.7;清华大学;

76) 施慎行、尚宇炜、董新洲;含分布式电源的配电网运行风险评估方法及评估系统; 授权日:2017.5.10;专利号:z l 2014 1 0281567.0;清华大学;

77) 施慎行、尚宇炜、董新洲、刘健;基于模糊数学的运行风险评估方法及评估系统; 授权日:2017.7.18;专利号:z l 2014 1 0341631.x;清华大学;

78) 董新洲、官二勇、王豪、景柳铭;柔性直流电网限流装置的控制方法和系统;授权日:2021.1.19;专利号:z l 2018 1 0082011.7;清华大学;

79) 王宾、李志中、谢民、王同文、俞斌、董新洲、邵庆祝等;一种高压直流输电换相垂直角实时估值的方法;授权日:2019.3.19;专利号:z l 2018 1 1582645.5;清华大学,国网安徽省电力有限公司;

80) 董新洲、景柳铭、官二勇、王宾、王豪、周建华、何泽家;一种母线电路的故障方向的延时判别方法和系统;授权日:2019.11.22;专利号:z l 2018 1 0071308.3;清华大学;

81) 董新洲、雷傲宇;串联电容补偿线路行波差动保护方法、装置、设备及介质;授权日:2018.10.18;专利号:z l 2018 1 0034069.4;清华大学;

82) 施慎行、赵一名、董新洲、张广梅、朱皓、文忠进、纪元、邓朴、张梦纯;一种配电线路的单端行波测距方法;授权日:2021.1.29;专利号:z l 2019 1 0780450.x;清华大学,贵州电网有限责任公司六盘水供电局;

83) 朱皓、施慎行、赵一名、董新洲等;一种小电流接地系统单相接地故障自愈方法;授权日:2020.5.12;专利号:z l 2019 1 1333181.9;清华大学;

84) 王宾、李志中、谢民、董新洲、王同文、王海港、俞斌;一种高压直流输电系统期望暂态响应快速求取方法;授权日:2021.9.7;专利号:z l 2019 1 1323370.8 ;清华大学,国网安徽省电力有限公司;

85) 施慎行、钱其隆、董新洲;配电线路单相接地故障选线方法及计算机可读存储介质; 授权日:2021.5.4;专利号:z l 2019 1 1160418.8;清华大学;

86) 施慎行、赵一名、董新洲;一种输电线路的故障测距系统;授权日:2021.1.29;专利号:z l 2019 1 0779752.5; 清华大学;

87) 施慎行、赵一名、董新洲;一种输电线路的故障测距方法;授权日:2021.1.29;专利号:z l 2019 1 0780586.0;清华大学;

88) 董新洲、蔡静;一种配电线路的单端行波测距装置;授权日:2019.1.29;专利号:z l 2019 1 0780881.6;清华大学;

89) 董新洲、蔡静;故障处理方法、故障处理装置和直流输电系统;授权日:2022.4.5;专利号:z l 2020 1 0552894.0;清华大学;

90) 董新洲、王浩男、金勃良;交直流混联系统的潮流分析装置和潮流分析方法;授权日:2021.10.8;专利号:z l 2020 1 0307640.2;清华大学;

91) 董新洲、蔡静;故障处理方法、故障处理装置和直流输电系统; 授权日:2022.4.5;专利号:z l 2020 1 0552918.2;清华大学;

92) 张广梅、施慎行、董新洲等;一种适用于配电线路的自适应保护装置;授权日:2022.5.6;专利号:z l 2020 1 1258919.2;清华大学;

93) 王宾、崔鑫、董新洲;一种基于类伏安特性的间歇性弧光接地故障检测方法;授权日:2020.11.17;专利号:z l 2020 1 0512232.0;清华大学;

94) 董新洲、蔡静;故障处理方法、装置和电网换相高压直流输电系统;授权日:2022.4.5;专利号:z l 2020 1 0553387.9;清华大学;

95) 张广梅、董新洲、施慎行、钱其隆、朱皓、王磊等;一种中性点非有效接地系统配电线路的自适应保护方法;授权日:2021.3.2;专利号:z l 2020 1 1260913.9;清华大学;

96) 王宾、俞斌、任萱、谢民、董新洲等;一种判断输电线路高阻故障方向的方法及装置;授权日:2022.4.8;专利号:z l 2021 1 0044618.8;清华大学,国网安徽省电力有限公司。


ieee fellow

iet fellow

aaia fellow


cigre b5委员


cigre b5-55行波保护工作组主席


ieee pes 电力系统保护控制技术委员会(中国)主席

iec tc95 ahg4工作组主席









英国strathclyde大学visiting professor



《pca world》顾问

《csee journal of power and energy systems》编委

《journal of modern power systems and clean energy》编委

《protection and control of modern power systems》副主编








4th international conference on advanced power system automation and protection,主席,beijing,china,2011

8th international conference on advanced power system automation and protection,联合主席,xi`an ,china,2019


3rd international conference on electronics technology,顾问主席,chengdu,china,2020

4th international conference on electronics technology,顾问主席,chengdu,china,2021

5th international conference on electronics technology,顾问主席,chengdu,china,2022

6th international conference on electronics technology,顾问主席,chengdu,china,2023

7th development on power system protection, iee,组委会委员,amsterdam, netherlands,2001

10th development on power system protection, iee,组委会委员,manchester, england ,2010

14th development on power system protection, iee,组委会委员, belfast, england ,2017

15th development on power system protection, iee,组委会委员,liverpool, england,2020

6th international conference on power system technology, powercon ,顾问委员会委员,chongqing,china,2008
