发表sci 收录论文40 余篇;出版专著一部 (第2作者)。
韩旻, 邹晓兵, 张贵新. 脉冲功率技术基础, 清华大学出版社, 2010.07
2、sci期刊论文选 (选自2005年后论文)
1) x.b. zou, h.t. shi, h. xie, xinxin wang, and guixin zhang. using fast moving electrode to achieve overvoltage breakdown of gas switch stressed with high direct voltages. review of scientific instruments, (accepted, in press)
2) zou xb, mao zg, wang xx, jiang wh. nanopowder production by gas-embedded electrical explosion of wire. chinese physics b, 22(4), 045206, 2013 (sci: 119ui )
3) zou xb, mao zg, wang xx, jiang wh. two different modes of wire explosion for nano-powder production. europhys lett., 97(3), 35004, 2012 (sci: 894au)
4) zou xb, zeng ng, wang xx. a v/n gas switch working in multi-channel discharge mode. ieee transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation, 18(4), pp. 971-974, 2011 ( sci: 807sb)
5) zou xb, wangcxx , zhao yc, zeng ng, liu r. avoiding current loss in an x-pinch by shortening the gap between anode and cathode. ieee transactions on plasma science, 38(4), pp.540-544, 2010 (sci: 581nv)
6) xiaobing zou, rui liu, naigong zeng, min han, jianqiang yuan, xinxin wang, guixin zhang. a pulsed power generator for x-pinch experiments, cambridge university press. laser and particle beams. 24(4), 2006 (sci: 108ut)
7)zou xb, wang xx, zhang gx, et al. study of soft x-ray energy spectra from gas-puff z-pinch plasma, acta physica sinica, 55(3), pp.1289-1294, 2006 (sci: 020on)
8)zou xb, wang xx, zhang gx, et al. energy spectra of ion beams from gas-puff z-pinch plasma, acta physica sinica, 54(5), pp. 2133-2137, 2005 (sci: 925jr)
9)xiaobing zou, xinxin wang, chengmu luo, min han. experimental study of gas-puff z-pinch plasma, plasma sources science and technology, 14(2), pp.268~272, 2005 (sci: 937ip)
10)shi ht, zou xb, zhao s, zhu xl, wang xx. numerical simulation of energy deposition improvment in electrical wire explosion using a parallel wire, acta physica sinica, 63(14), 145206, 2014 (sci: an5ns)
11)zhu xl, zou xb, zhao s, zhang r, shi ht, luo hy, wang, xx. mass density evolution of wire explosion observed using x-ray backlight, ieee transactions on plasma science, 42 (10), 3221-3225, 2014 (sci: as9ep)
12)zhu xl, zou xb, zhao s, shi ht, zhang r, luo hy, wang, xx. measuring the evolution of mass density distribution of wire explosion. ieee transactions on plasma science, 42(10), 2522-2523, 2014 (sci: as9fk)
13)mao cy, zou, xb, wang xx. analytical solution of nonuniform transmission lines for z-pinch, ieee transactions on plasma science, 42(8), 2092-2097, 2014 (sci: an2sh )
14)liu wl, zou xb, fu yy, wang p, wang xx. on-line measurement on surface electric field of insulator in vacuum based on kerr effect, acta physica sinica, 63(9), 095207, 2014 (sci: aj0mq)
15)mao chongyang, zou xiaobing, wang xinxin. three-dimensional electromagnetic simulation of monolithic radial transmission lines for z-pinch, laser and particle beams, 32(4), 599-603, 2014 (sci: au2kp)
16)zhang r, zou x, zhu x, zhao s, luo h, wang x. x-ray emission from a table-top x-pinch device, ieee transactions on plasma science, 40(12): 3354 – 3359, 2012 (sci: 056aa)
17)zhu xl, zou xb, zhang r, luo hy, zhao s, wang xx. x-ray backlighting of the initial stage of single and multiwire z-pinch, ieee transactions on plasma science, 40(12) , 3329-3333, 2012 (sci: 056aa)
18)cai xj, zou xb, wang xx, wang lm, guan zc, jiang wh. over-volted breakdown and recovery of short nitrogen spark gaps. laser and particle beams, 28 (3), pp.443-450, 2010 (sci: 653tn)
19)cai xj, zou xb, wang xx, wang lm, guan zc, jiang wh. recovery of gas density in a nitrogen gap after breakdown. applied physics letters, 97(10), 101501, 2010 (sci: 658gp)
20)zhao t, zou xb, zhang r, wang xx. x-ray backlighting of two-wire z-pinch plasma using x-pinch. chinese physics b, 19(7), 075205, 2010 (sci: 629hk)
21)zhao t, zou xb, wang, xx, zhao yc, du yq, zhang r, liu r. x-ray backlighting of developments of x-pinches and wire- array z-pinches using an x-pinch. ieee transactions on plasma science, 38 (4), pp.646-651, 2010 (sci: 581nv)
22)mao zg, zou xb, wang xx, liu x, jiang wh. circuit simulation of the behavior of exploding wires for nano-powder production, laser and particle beams, 27(1), pp.49-55, 2009 (sci:413ce)
韩旻, 邹晓兵, 郭志刚, 王黎明. 全波/半波自动重复频率充放电电路. 国家发明专利, zl 00103363.8, 2004/02/25