recently, good news came from the institution of engineering and technology (iet). that is, xu shukai, a ph.d. of our department graduated in the year of 2007, was elected as the 2018 iet fellow. iet fellow is honored by iet for outstanding and senior professionals who have made important achievements in the field of science and engineering technology.
iet is one of the biggest professional academic societies in engineering technology throughout the world, which contains 168,000 fellows from 150 countries. the former of iet is the british institute of electrical engineers (iee), which was founded in 1871 with the initial name of the society of telegraph engineers and officially renamed the institution of electrical engineers (iee) in 1888. in 2006, iee renamed iet by merging with the international industrial engineering institute (iie).
dr. xu shukai has been engaged in the research and application of high power electronic technology and flexible dc transmission technology in the safe production line of power grid since 2007. he has participated in some major technical researches and engineering implementations such as high-capacity statcom, multi terminal flexible dc transmission, and flexible dc back-to-back, making contributions for the safety and stability and technical innovation of power grid. dr. xu shukai was awarded with the excellent young engineer of power in china in 2015; was a member of the electric power system automation committee of chinese society for electrical engineering (see); is a member of editorial board of automation of electric power systems journal, a member of the standardization committee of power quality and flexible transmission in power industry of china electricity council (cec) and a member of the standardization committee of power electronic devices in power system of cec; and is a team member of b4.53 static synchronous compensator (statcom) of international large power grid (cigre) and a member of editorial board of green book on facts of cigre.