chen minjie was honored with the 2019 nsf career award-九游会平台
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on february 13, 2019, chen minjie, a fellow of our department, was honored with the nsf career awarded by national science foundation (nsf) for his outstanding contribution in the “application of high frequency and high performance power electronics in the future energy and information system”.

the nsf career award, the top prize for young scholars who have the potential to be academic leaders issued by nsf, aims to honor those young scholars who have shown their leadership or made outstanding contributions in their own academic fields in the united states. within the united states, there are 5-10 scholars from main academic fields being awarded each year.

chen minjie graduated from the department of electrical engineering of tsinghua university in 2009 with bachelor of engineering (his undergraduate mentor: prof. kang chongqing); obtained master’s degree from mit in 2012 and ph. d. from eecs of mit in 2015; has become an assistant professor in department of electrical engineering of princeton university since 2017, and an associate editor of the famous international journal -- ieee transactions on power electronics since 2018. prof. chen minjie has honored the annual best thesis award of transactions on power electronics by ieee power electronics society for two consecutive years; the first prize of the 2019 innovation forum of princeton university; the innovation award of the college of engineering of princeton university in 2019; the best doctoral thesis award of dimitris n. chorafas of the department of electrical and computer engineering of mit; the innovation award of siebel energy institute; the best thesis presentation award of ieee ecce and so on.

official news of princeton university

official news of national science foundation

photo of chen minjie

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