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prospects and challenges for grid integration of power-electronic-based systems


王雄飞 博士

aalborg university, denmark

报告人简介: xiongfei wang received the phd degree in energy technology from aalborg university, aalborg, denmark in 2013, where he is currently an associate professor with the department of energy technology and a co-leader of the harmony research group funded by european research council (erc). his research interests include dynamic modeling of power electronics converters, harmonics analysis and mitigation, stability and control of power-electronic-based power systems.

报告简介: power electronic converters have been commonly found in renewable energy generations, energy-efficient power loads, and flexible ac or dc transmission systems. the role of power electronics is changing from an enabling technology for grid integration of renewables and energy efficiency improvements to a foundational technology for modernizing power grids. this lecture will give an overview on the new challenges brought by the large-scale integration of power-electronic-based systems. case studies on renewable (wind/photovoltaic) power plants and microgrids will be given for elaboration. prospects on the operation and control of modern electronic power grids will be discussed.

联系人:郑泽东 62772450

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