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towards better power electronic building blocks

prof. braham ferreira

ieee fellow

delft university of technology, netherlands

12月14日(周三)上午8:00-9:35,六教6a301 联系人: 赵争鸣,郑泽东


prof. braham ferreira received his, and phd in electrical engineering from the rand afrikaans university, johannesburg, south africa, in 1980, 1982 and 1988 respectively. in 1981 he was with the institute of power electronics and electric drives, technical university of aachen, and worked as a systems engineer at esd pty (ltd) from 1982-1985. from 1986 thru 1997 he was at the department of electrical engineering, rand afrikaans university, where he held the carl and emily

fuchs chair of power electronics in later years. since 1998 he is holding the chair in power electronics and electrical machines at the delft university of technology in the netherlands and served as head of the department during 2006-2010. dr. ferreira is author and co-author of 100 journal and transactions papers, 300 conference papers and 15 patents, and was awarded 15 prize paper awards. he is a fellow of the ieee.

ieee activies – south africa joint ias/pels/pes/ies chapter, chair (1993-6); south africa section, chair (1991-2); ieee representative on saiee council (1992-7); ieee africon ’96, technical program chairman; ias power electronic devices and components committee, chair (1998-9); benelux joint ias/pels chapter, founding chair (1999 – 2001); pels transactions, associate editor (2000-present); pels adcom member-at large( 1999-2005); pels treasurer (2005-2010); pels vice-president meetings (2011- 4); pels president (2015-6).

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