big data analytics in large scale power system economic planning-九游会平台
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报告人:dr. yingzhong gu

development lead, ge energy consulting, general electric inc., schenectady, new york

vice president, north american chinese power professional association (nacppa)


地 点:西主楼3-102


abstract: power system economic planning is a core part of a comprehensive power system planning process, which not only considers the needs for reliability, public policy and resource adequacy but also it well addresses the long-term needs for a more economical and efficient power grid operation. the power system economic planning, using production simulation tool, evaluate the current and future state of bulk power grid and the economic impact of various projects to reduce the overall operation cost in the long run. ge multi-area production simulation (maps) is widely adopted to conduct various power system economic planning studies including renewable integration studies, market efficiency evaluation studies, transmission planning studies, and congestion assessment studies, etc. one of the major challenge of power system economic planning is to conduct long-term (i.e. 20-30 years) production simulation for large scale power systems. the big data analytics technology is a key to facilitate the state-of-the-art power system economic planning. this seminar introduces some major efforts ge is taking toward this new era.

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