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topic: national electricity support by photo-voltaic systems – the “big” industrial way versus the “people’s” production path

lecturer: prof. carsten d. ahrens

professor em. at university of applied sciences

time: 15:30-16:30 pm, june 16, 2015

site: 3-102, west main-building

abstract:earth’s solar energy irradiation theoretically could end all shortages in electricity production. on the basis of carbon-dioxide reduction photo-voltaic installations more and more play an important part in the field of green electricity production, nationally and worldwide. due to the relatively small conversion efficiency of pv-modules huge pv-areas are necessary to feed in significantly to the national grids.

based on the experience in germany, the biggest pv-installing and using country some years ago, pv-installations on - and at – houses including industry and office buildings seem to be more productive and less expensive than the use of great industrial pv-plants. the united states recently started to go also this way. the talk will tackle the parameters or conditions existed in more “individual” solar electricity production.


abstract:earth’s solar energy irradiation theoretically could end all shortages in electricity production. on the basis of carbon-dioxide reduction photo-voltaic installations more and more play an important part in the field of green electricity production, nationally and worldwide. due to the relatively small conversion efficiency of pv-modules huge pv-areas are necessary to feed in significantly to the national grids.

based on the experience in germany, the biggest pv-installing and using country some years ago, pv-installations on - and at – houses including industry and office buildings seem to be more productive and less expensive than the use of great industrial pv-plants. the united states recently started to go also this way. the talk will tackle the parameters or conditions existed in more “individual” solar electricity production.

prof. carsten d. ahrens is a professor em. at university of applied sciences jadehochschule in oldenburg; faculty of civil engineering and geoinformation; research topic: sustainability in the built environment; vice-president of the world council of civil engineers (wcce); vice-president of the european council of civil engineers (ecce) from 2002-08; member of the institute of german engineers (zdi); expert in nondestructive material testing of primary nuclear power components; since 1975 professor at fachhochschule oldenburg, germany; inititiator and coordinator of numerous national and international study, educational and research projects; numerous guest lectures at partner universities and conferences in europe and worldwide.

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