on august 23, 2019, nikolaos hatziargyriou, a professor at the national technical university of athens, was invited by prof. kang chongqing and associate prof. zhang ning to visit the department of electrical engineering and applied electronic technology (eea), tsinghua university.
on the morning of the 23rd, prof. hatziargyriou gave a special academic report in the west main building, tsinghua university. more than 40 teachers and students from the department of electrical engineering and applied electronic technology (eea) attended the meeting. prof. hatziargyriou reported on two topics of the optimal operation of distribution network to evade wildfires and the distributed optimal operation of distribution network. the report started from the actual problems faced by the greek power grid, such as the destruction of wildfires and distributed operation in the power grid, and gradually went deep into the model construction and solution, with rich and detailed contents. at the end of the report, the teachers and students attending the meeting had in-depth exchanges with prof. hatziargyriou on the topics of the report. in the afternoon, prof. hatziargyriou had academic discussions with teachers and students of the eea and visited the state key laboratory of control and simulation of power system and power generation equipments.
prof. hatziargyriou is currently editor in chief of ieee transactions on power systems and professor of national technical university of athens, greece. in 2017, he was employed as a visiting professor of state key laboratory of control and simulation of power system and power generation equipments in the eea, tsinghua university.
academic report by prof. hatziargyriou
academic report by prof. hatziargyriou
group photo of prof. hatziargyriou and the teacher of department of electrical engineering (eea)
prof. hatziargyriou’s profile:
he is editor in chief of the ieee transactions on power systems and member of the editorial board of ieee transactions on sustainable development and the ieee power and energy magazine. he is author of the book “microgrids: architectures and control” and of more than 200 journal publications and 500 conference proceedings papers. he is included in the 2016 thomson reuters' list of the top 1% most cited researchers. since april 2015 he is chairman and ceo of the hellenic distribution network operator (deddie). from february 2007 to september 2012, he was deputy ceo of the public power corporation (ppc) of greece, responsible for transmission and distribution networks, island dno and the center of testing, research and prototyping. he is fellow member of ieee, past chair of the power system dynamic performance committee, honorary member of cigre and past chair of cigre sc c6 “distribution systems and distributed generation”. he is co-chair of the eu technology and innovation platform on smart networks for energy transition. he is member of the energy committee of the athens academy of science. he has participated in more than 60 r&dd projects funded by the ec and the industry and has coordinated among others, "care", "more care", "merge", “microgrids” and “more microgrids”.