from september 10 to 13, 2018, the 2018 international conference on high voltage engineering and applications (ichve) was held in athens, greece. at the closing ceremony of the conference at noon on the 13th, prof. sun caixin of ieee and prof. stanislaw gubanski who is chairman of stan grzybowski awards committee unveiled the names of ieee sun caixin and stan grzybowski best student paper award 2018. meng pengfei, ph.d. student in department of electrical engineering, tsinghua university, won the award for his outstanding achievements in the application of the deep limited overvoltage in uhv ac systems for arrestors with high-performance metal oxide varistor. meng pengfei's tutor is prof. he jinliang in department of electrical engineering.
the ieee sun caixin and stanger zebosky best student paper award was established by the ieee dielectrics and electrical insulation society (deis) in 2017 and funded by the sun caixin education fund to honor graduate students who have made innovative achievements in high voltage engineering and applications. the ieee sun caixin and stanger zeboski award committee selected the best student paper award for the first time this year, based on the comprehensive evaluation of the results of student papers and oral reports at the international conference on high voltage engineering and applications.
the international conference on high voltage engineering and applications is a top academic conference in the field of high voltage engineering. it is held every two years. the conference collected 395 papers. more than 400 scholars from all over the world participated in the event.
in addition, ichve 2020 will be held in beijing from september 6 to 10, 2020, with tsinghua university as the host and prof. he jinliang is appointed as the chairman of the conference.
meng pengfei accepts the award at the closing ceremony
meng pengfei's award-winning certificate