  • 清华大学电机系









清华大学 电机系副教授、博士生导师






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  • 科研项目
  • 论著专利
  • 学术兼职

2010年和2015年于清华大学电机系获得本科和博士学位,2015年加入美国田纳西大学curent中心担任研究助理教授,2020年至2021年任清华大学电机系助理教授、特别研究员,2021年至今任清华大学电机系副教授,2013年于美国威斯康辛大学wempec中心做访学交流。主要研究领域为中高压大功率电力电子技术,2010年至2015年,主要研究硅基功率半导体的串联技术,其研究成果已用于6.6kv变换器等产品中;2015年,主要研究针对新型高压碳化硅器件的应用,作为关键技术人员参与美国能源部多个重大项目,获得支持经费超过800万美元,研制了首台基于高压碳化硅器件的光伏逆变器与异步微网接口变换器,12.4kv/250kw的光伏逆变器与danfosswolfspeed合作,已形成工业化产品,异步微网接口变换器获得美国能源部power america项目最高评审奖;2020年起主要研究兆瓦级中压多端口电力电子变压器,研制首台基于高频交流母线的多端口电力电子变压器并完成现场示范应用。已发表超过60篇论文,包括近20篇发表在国际顶级期刊上。发表中国专利7项,美国专利1项。于多个国际学术组织任职,为ieee senior memberieee pelsieee itrw会员,在ieee wipda asia等多个国际会议担任技术委员会委员和分会场主席,在cpss transaction等国际期刊担任客座编辑。获得2020年国家青年人才项目支持。


2021.12至今 清华大学电机系,副教授

2020.12-2021.12 清华大学电机系,助理教授,特别研究员

2015.09-2020.02 美国田纳西大学curent中心,研究助理教授

2013.07-2013.11 美国威斯康辛大学wempec中心,访问学者

2010.09-2015.07 清华大学电机系电力系统自动化专业,获工学博士学位

2006.08-2010.07 清华大学电机系电力系统自动化专业,获学士学位



2020,国际会议ieee ipemc最佳论文奖

2019,美国能源部power america项目最高评审奖

2018,国际会议ieee apec最佳报告奖




2011,国际重要会议ieee icems最佳论文奖





2021-2022, 兆瓦级多端口电力电子变压器,汇川技术,中国

2021-2022, igbt功率模块可靠性评估,上海三菱电梯,中国

2021-2022, 75kw多功能三端口电力电子变压器,山东电科院,中国

2020-2021, 交直流混合的分布式可再生能源关键技术、核心装备和工程示范研究,国家重点研发计划(课题3),中国

2020-2023, sic based modular transformer-less mw-scale power conditioning system and control for flexible manufacturing plants, department of energy, 美国

2018-2021, sic based modular transformer-less mw-scale power conditioning system and control for flexible chp system, department of energy, 美国

2017-2020, multi-functional high-efficiency high-density medium voltage sic based asynchronous microgrid power conditioning system module, power america, 美国

2014-2017, agile direct grid connection medium voltage 4.7-12.47 kv power converter for pv applications utilizing advanced wbg devices, department of energy, 美国

2016, benchmark of benefits of high voltage sic in medium voltage power distribution grids, oak ridge national laboratory, 美国

2016-2017, topology evaluation of aircraft electric power distribution system, safran company, 法国


1)h. li, z. gao, s. ji, y. ma, f. wang, “an inrush current limiting method for grid-connected converters considering grid voltage disturbances,” ieee journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 2608-2618, apr. 2022.

2)x. huang, s. ji, c. nie, d. li, m. lin, l. tolbert, f. wang, w. giewont, “comprehensive analysis and improvement methods of noise immunity of desat protection for high voltage sic mosfets with high dv/dt,” ieee open journal of power electronics, vol. 3, pp. 36-50, dec. 2021.

3)b. shi, s. ji, z. zhao, z. yu, “discrete-state event-driven numerical prototyping of megawatt solid-state transformers and ac/dc hybrid microgrids,” ieee access, vol. 9, pp. 108329-108339, jul. 2021.

4)s. ji, x. huang, j. palmer, f. wang, l. tolbert, “modular multilevel converter (mmc) modeling considering submodule voltage sensor noise,” ieee trans. power electron., vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 1215-1219, feb. 2021.

5)s. ji, l. zhang, x. huang, j. palmer, f. wang, l. tolbert, “a novel voltage balancing control with dv/dt reduction for 10-kv sic mosfet-based medium voltage modular multilevel converter,” ieee trans. power electron., vol. 35, no. 11, pp. 12533-12543, nov. 2020.

6)l. zhang, s. ji, s. gu, x. huang, j. palmer, w. giewont, f. wang, l. tolbert, “design considerations for high-voltage-insulated gate drive power supply for 10-kv sic mosfet applied in medium-voltage converter,” ieee trans. ind. electron., vol. 68, no. 7, pp. 5712-5724, jul. 2021.

7)p. yao, x. jiang, p. xue, s. ji, f. wang, “flux balancing control of ungapped nanocrystalline core-based transformer in dual active bridge converters,” ieee trans. power electron., vol. 35, no. 11, pp. 11463-11474, nov. 2020.

8)s. ji, f. wang, l. tolbert, t. lu, z. zhao, h. yu, “an fpga based voltage balancing control for multi hv-igbts in series connection,” ieee trans. on ind. appl., vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 4640-4649, sep. 2018.

9)s. ji, m. laitinen, x. huang, j. sun, w. giewont, f. wang, l. tolbert, “short circuit characterization and protection of 10 kv sic mosfet,” ieee trans. power electron., vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 1755-1764, feb. 2019.

10)b. shi, z. zhao, k. li, g. feng, s. ji, j. zhou, “design methodology for optimal phase-shift modulation of non-inverting buck-boost converter,” journal of power electronics., vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1108-1121, sep. 2019.

11)s. ji, s. zheng, f. wang, l. m. tolbert, “temperature-dependent characterization, modeling and switching speed limitation analysis of third generation 10 kv sic mosfet,” ieee trans. power electron., vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 4317-4327, may. 2018.

12)s. ji, t. lu, z. zhao, h. yu, l. yuan, “series-connected hv-igbts using active voltage balancing control with status feedback circuit,” ieee trans. power electron., vol. 30, no. 8, pp. 4165-4174, aug. 2015.

13)s. ji, t. lu, z. zhao, h. yu, l. yuan, s. yang, c. secrest, “physical model analysis during transient for series connected hvigbts,” ieee trans. power electron., vol. 29, no. 11, pp. 5727-5737, nov. 2014.

14)t. lu, z. zhao, h. yu, s. ji, l. yuan, f. he. “parameter design of three-level converter based on series connected hv-igbts,” ieee trans. on ind. appl., vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 3943-3954, nov. 2014.

15)t. lu, z. zhao, s. ji, h. yu, l. yuan. “active clamping circuit with status feedback for series-connected hv-igbts,” ieee trans. on ind. appl., vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 3579-3590, sep. 2014.

16)s. ji, z. zhao, t. lu, l. yuan, h. yu. “hvigbt physical model analysis during transient,” ieee trans. power electron., vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 2616-2624, may. 2013.


1)d. li, x. huang, s. ji, c. nie, f. wang, l. tolbert, “controller design and implementation of a medium voltage (13.8 kv) modular multi-level converter for asynchronous microgrids,” ieee energy conversion congress and exposition (ecce), 2020, detroit, mi.

2)x. huang, s. ji, d. li, c. nie, l. tolbert, f. wang, w. giewont, “analysis and gate driver design considerations of 10 kv sic mosfets under flashover fault due to insulation failure,” ieee energy conversion congress and exposition (ecce), 2020, detroit, mi.

3)x. huang, s. ji, d. li, c. nie, w. giewont, l. tolbert, f. wang, “a test scheme for the comprehensive qualification of mmc submodule based on 10 kv sic mosfets under high dv/dt,” european conference on power electronics and applications (epe), 2020, lyon, france.

4)s. ji, j. palmer, x. huang, d. li, w. giewont, l. tolbert, f. wang, “impact of submodule voltage sensor noise in 10 kv sic mosfet modular multilevel converters (mmcs) under high dv/dt environment,” ieee applied power electronics conference and exposition (apec), 2020, new orleans, la, pp. 1089-1093.

5)d. li, s. ji, x. huang, j. palmer, f. wang, l. tolbert, “controller development of an asynchronous microgrid power conditioning system (pcs) converter considering grid requirements,” ieee applied power electronics conference and exposition (apec), 2020, new orleans, la, pp. 616-621.

6)j. palmer, s. ji, x. huang, l. zhang, w. giewont, f. wang, l. tolbert, “improving voltage sensor noise immunity in a high voltage and high dv/dt environment,” ieee applied power electronics conference and exposition (apec), 2020, new orleans, la, pp. 107-113.

7)x. huang, s. ji, j. palmer, l. zhang, d. li, f. wang, l. tolbert, w. giewont, “a robust 10 kv sic mosfet gate driver with fast overcurrent protection demonstrated in a mmc submodule,” ieee applied power electronics conference and exposition (apec), 2020, new orleans, la, pp. 1813-1820.

8)s. ji, x. huang, j. palmer, l. zhang, w. giewont, f. wang, l. tolbert, “medium voltage (13.8 kv) transformer-less grid-connected dc/ac converter design and demonstration using 10 kv sic mosfet with high frequency,” ieee energy conversion congress and exposition (ecce), 2019, baltimore, md, pp. 1953-1959.

9)j. palmer, s. ji, x. huang, l. zhang, f. wang, w. giewont, l. tolbert, “testing and validation of 10 kv sic mosfet based 35 kva mmc phase-leg for medium voltage (13.8 kv) grid,” ieee energy conversion congress and exposition (ecce), 2019, baltimore, md, pp. 2001-2006.

10)x. huang, j. palmer, s. ji, l. zhang, f. wang, l. tolbert, w. giewont, “design and testing of a modular multilevel converter submodule based on 10 kv sic mosfets,” ieee energy conversion congress and exposition (ecce), 2019, baltimore, md, pp. 1926-1933.

11)l. zhang, s. ji, x. huang, j. palmer, w. giewont, f. wang, l. tolbert, “multiple-step commutation scheme for avoiding high dv/dt in modular multilevel converter with 10 kv sic mosfet,” ieee energy conversion congress and exposition (ecce), 2019, baltimore, md, pp. 1968-1973.

12)l. zhang, s. ji, s. gu, x. huang, j. palmer, w. giewont, f. wang, l. tolbert, “design considerations of high-voltage-insulation gate driver power supply for 10 kv sic mosfet in medium-voltage application,” in ieee applied power electronics conference and exposition (apec), 2019, anaheim, ca, pp. 425-430.

13)x. huang, s. ji, j. palmer, l. zhang, l. tolbert, f. wang, “parasitic capacitor’s impact on switching performance in a 10 kv sic mosfet based converter,” ieee workshop on wide bandgap power devices and applications (wipda), 2018, atlanta, ga, pp. 311-318.

14)x. huang, s. ji, j. sun, s. zheng, f. wang, l. tolbert, m. laitinen, w. giewont, “impact of body diode and anti-parallel j b s diode on switching performance of 3rd generation 10 kv sic mosfet,” ieee energy conversion congress and exposition (ecce), 2018, portland, or, pp. 1887-1894.

15)s. ji, m. laitinen, x. huang, j. sun, w. giewont, l. tolbert, f. wang, “short circuit characterization of 3rd generation 10 kv sic mosfet,” in ieee applied power electronics conference and exposition (apec), san antonio, tx, 2018.

16)s. ji, x. shi, z. zhang, w. cao, f. wang, “benefits of high voltage sic applications in medium voltage power distribution grids,” in international conference on silicon carbide and related materials (icscrm), washington, d.c., 2017.


ieee senior member

ieee pels会员

ieee itrw成员





cpss transactions on power electronics and applications客座编辑

engineering reports编辑



ieee ecce-asia 2020技术委员会委员、分会场主席

ieee wipda-asia 2021技术委员会委员、分会场主席
