2019年9月20日,意大利博洛尼亚大学(university of bologna)教授卡洛·阿尔贝托·努奇(carlo alberto nucci)受康重庆教授、张宁副教授邀请访问电机系。
卡洛·阿尔贝托·努奇教授同时作为“中国-欧盟研究及创新伙伴计划可再生能源、能效及城市可持续发展领域项目”(ires-8)的导师来访清华大学电机系。该项目于2015年4月由欧盟发起,旨在加强欧盟同中国间研发和创新网络化合作、伙伴关系以及其他形式的科研和创新互动。该计划主要资助欧盟高校的博士生、博士后和学者赴中国高校及科研院所开展高水平科研,从而建立和加强欧盟科研界与中国研究机构和高校的长期战略合作关系。英国曼彻斯特大学为该项目的主持单位,欧盟大学包括意大利博洛尼亚大学、挪威科技大学、克罗地亚萨格勒布大学,中方合作单位包括清华大学、华北电力大学、北京交通大学、国网智能电网研究院。2019年4月,努奇教授的博士生乔治娅·普拉萨(giorgia pulazza)以及硕士生玛丽亚·马达莱娜·甘比尼(maria maddalena gambini)受该项目资助赴清华大学分别进行为期5个月与3个月的学习,中方指导教师为康重庆教授。
卡洛·阿尔贝托·努奇教授简介:professor carlo alberto nucci is editor in chief of editor in chief of of electric power research journal (epsr), elsevier since january 2010 (previously regional editor for europe, africa and mid east since january 2005. he was the member of several working groups, such as cigre wg c4.401 'lightning' (of which has been convener) from 1997 to 2007; cigre wg c4.107 'power quality indices and objectives'; joint cigre/cired wg on 'protection of distribution networks against lightning'; chairman of cigre study committee c4 “system technical performance” for the period 2006-2012 when within cigre. he was the member of working groups “lightning performance of distribution lines” and “distributed resources: modelling and analysis”, chairman of the international steering committee of the international conference ieee powertech from 2002 to 2007, chairman of the italian pes chapter from 2002 to 2007, and chairman of the “ieee pes region 8 (europe, middle east and africa)” for the years 2009 and 2010 when within ieee. prof. nucci is a fellow of the ieee and of cigre, of which he is also honorary member, and has received some best paper/technical international awards, including the cigre technical committee award. prof. nucci is doctor honoris causa of the university “politehnica” of bucharest and member of the bologna science academy. since 2014, he is the ieee pes representative in the ieee smart city initiative.